Why is it taking so long to diversity vet med?

The Importance of Diversifying Veterinary Medicine

Creating A More Inclusive and Sustainable Veterinary Workforce

The veterinary industry is actually one of the least diverse professions in the U.S. With a whopping 90% of its employees identifying as white, where is the inclusivity for veterinarians? This is precisely why organizations such as the Diversify Veterinary Medicine Coalition (DVMC) were established. The DVMC is a group of committed animal care organizations that recognize the importance of fostering a more inclusive environment surrounding the veterinary profession.

The Value of Education

Access to education plays a large role in the diversification of veterinary medicine. In order to have lasting change in the veterinary industry, there needs to be a clear and effective plan set in place. There needs to be more care taken when addressing the accessibility of veterinary education to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students. In order to do this, the animal health industry leaders need to strengthen their aim for diversity, inclusion, and equity in the veterinary workforce. Not only would diversity help to strengthen the entire profession, but it will provide more helping hands where they are already needed. An increasing demand for animal care within the U.S. alone desperately needs to be filled. By providing accessible education and encouraging BIPOC students to pursue it, gaps in the profession can easily be filled in. People will have more access to reliable veterinary services, and animals will have plenty of access to quality care. By promoting a more diverse industry for veterinarians, the community as a whole stands to benefit.


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