How to give and receive feedback

What is Effective Feedback and Why is it Important

The first thing you want to make sure of is that you are giving effective feedback. Anyone can seek to give input regarding a person or situation. That does not mean the input will automatically be effective. Since the feedback you give can be positive, negative, or neutral, it matters how it is delivered. For effective feedback, keep it supportive and specific to the issue. Effective feedback is given to promote productivity, hone a skill, or correct an action. If the feedback does not come across with good intentions, then it is safe to assume that it will not be received as such. In this case, you will be providing ineffective feedback.

How to Give Feedback

Before you look to give someone feedback, you need to pinpoint its purpose or reason. This will help you focus on a healthy resolve. Feedback is not about a person but rather a behavior or task that a person displayed. Make sure to focus on what you are trying to criticize, not the person who performed it. If you are trying to address a more personal situation, let them know how their behavior made you feel. Rather than assuming how they intended to make you feel, focus on the facts of the situation. Make sure you are also being receptive. Ask questions that open the conversation and help to promote comfort and understanding.

How to Recieve Feedback

Make sure you are being receptive when others offer you constructive criticism. Don't take their feedback personally; understand that they are speaking in your best interest. Allow yourself time to process and absorb what other people say. Whether from a loved one or a work colleague, it's a great skill to communicate through feedback effectively. The best thing you can do for yourself when receiving feedback is to remain open-minded and willing to grow. Not all feedback demands change from you, but to know the difference, you need to be open-minded. Healthy feedback is a part of healthy relationships and communication. If you can give and receive effective criticism, you will be well prepared for many of the obstacles that life throws your way.


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