Dr. Fabian Rivers speaks his truth

To his clients, he’s Dr. Fabian Rivers.

But to those who follow him on social media, he’s also known as the founder of Dready Vet, BVA Young Vet of the Year 2020 winner, and multi-talented Veterinary Surgeon specializing in exotics and small animals.

Of course, to the creatures he serves, he is much more than that…

Dr. Fabian Rivers is also a fierce advocate. When it comes to animal welfare and rights, he uses his passion, education, and experience as a freelance journalist to bring to light issues in the pet parenthood community and beyond.

Recently, Vet Candy had the opportunity to interview Dr. Fabian. He was kind enough to share why curiosity is so important in our line of work, discuss why finding purpose in life matters, and share his thoughts on the most pressing issue facing vet med today.

Introducing, the fantastic Dr. Fabian Rivers!

The Prerequisite for Knowledge is Curiosity

As a child, did you ask lots of questions?

For many veterinary professionals, a desire to know how things worked (such as biology, chemistry, physics, etc.) came naturally when we were young. In fact, a love of learning is needed to grow and constantly improve in this field. There is always a new technology or device to try, an emerging medication to explore, and cutting-edge surgical procedure to practice.

For Dr. Fabian Rivers, curiosity played a large role in his success.

When asked what three qualities most contributed to his achievements, he answered with “curiosity, community, and composure.”

Quite fittingly, his mission is to, “Remain curious about life.”

Of course, there is plenty of room to improve in the world of veterinary medicine. According to Dr. Fabian, the biggest change he wants to see also revolves around curiosity paired with an animal’s right to exist peacefully. As a vegan himself, this is a topic near and dear to his heart.

How can we get there?

Dr. Rivers says we can do it, if we “allow everyone, including animals the capacity to be curious about life. By pushing animal rights, not just welfare.”

Find Your Purpose and Stick to It

Like many of us, Dr. Fabian knows that his purpose is closely tied to animals. But not everyone finds their calling easily or quickly. Yet it is key. Going through life without knowing why you were placed on this earth robs you of discovering fulfilment, happiness, and hopefully, leaving the world a better off place than when you first entered it.

Dr. Rivers explains:

“Purpose is important as it gives life colour, it gives doing, a meaning and reward, and it's why everyone should have access to something they are connected to.”

For example, going on holiday in Kenya had a huge impact on Fabian. Seeing wild rhinos (before they go extinct) alongside all the other amazing creatures was a lifechanging experience that helped set his future course as a veterinarian. Nowadays, he gets to treat wildlife species and liaise with a variety of rescue centres, as well as bird and reptile sanctuaries around the country – pretty cool stuff!

And speaking of the future…

Dr. Fabian Rivers has some excellent parting advice.

“Your past achievements are proof of your capability, and no-one can take that from you,” he says. “The future is just a bonus.”


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