Dr. Leatrize unleashes her creativity

In the world of veterinary medicine, we are constantly being creative. Finding solutions is what we do!

Whether it’s brainstorming ways to help train a deaf puppy or performing breakthrough surgeries on wildlife, vet med professionals are known for thinking quick on their feet and getting answers to difficult questions.

However, one veterinarian stands out in the art world. Her name?

Dr. Leatrize. In fact, she has been selling animal artwork since she was just thirteen years old – wow!

“I never stopped creating art because I really enjoyed it and the feeling of people appreciating what I do,” she tells us. “The simple things in life like making someone smile through art is what I find fulfilling.”

Vet Candy recently caught up with Dr. Leatrize. Today she shares how creating art has become a tool for destressing after a tough day and why it’s okay to embrace both our strengths and weaknesses.

Introducing, the talented Dr. Leatrize!

Using Art to Destress

The life of a veterinarian can be stressful.

It’s not just about cute pet encounters (despite what some may see on social media!) The reality is, we also have to deal with difficult cases and clients. It can be overwhelming.

And as Dr. Gonzales knows, it is also physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting. Sometimes, our hearts feel like they are being torn to pieces.

That is why it’s so important to find ways to destress after work. In addition to making time for family and friends, posting on social media, going to places to unwind, and watching movies, she also releases her inner artist.

Dr. Leatrize explains:

“By being creative, I paint my pain away which has become my escape from reality for a while. I commission artworks that put a smile on my client’s face and it also became

a source of income. Trying out different mediums of art like digital, watercolor, acrylic, sculpting, murals, oil painting and more have been enjoyable for me.”

Remember, Everyone Once Started from Scratch

Even though she is very successful now, Dr. Leatrize also wants people to remember that we are all on individual journeys.

Similarly, we each have different strength and weaknesses. To colleagues and vet med students, she says:

“Don’t compare yourself to others. We are all uniquely created, and we have different strengths and weaknesses that make us who we are as humans. Everything can be learned, just be patient and don’t be hard on yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, everyone started from scratch. No one has figured it out yet, so please, don’t be overwhelmed and put too much pressure on yourself. Continue glowing and growing.”

Above all, take care of yourself!Don’t get so busy that you forget to eat well, exercise, and relax.

Find that Fire Inside

Dr. Leatrize’s final words of advice?

Be passionate and committed in everything you do.

“This is fire burning inside of you that continually pushes you towards your goals,” she explains. “You need that drive to remain disciplined when things get tough. You need to understand your why. Why are you striving to be a great vet? Why do you need to educate pet owners? Why do you help vet students?”

Thanks Dr. Leatrize for the beautiful art you create and the excellent reminders!


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