Dr. Meghan Barrett breaks her silence

To heal, inspire, and educate.

These are just three of the many goals Dr. Meghan Barrett has!

As an integrative veterinarian, she is on a mission to provide a balanced approach of both science-based medical practice and the art of healing. For this University of Hawai’i and Colorado State University (CSU) veterinary school graduate, making animals feel better includes things like acupuncture, rehabilitation, bodywork, real food, and so much more.

Like her marine animal veterinarian godmother before her, she is committed to maximizing health and minimizing pain and suffering of animals – using whatever methods are best for them.

Vet Candy is thrilled to speak with Dr. Barrett today. She tells us about the change she would like to see in the world, plus shares a little about the qualities that contributed to her success.

Introducing, our favorite O’ahu, Moloka’i and Big Island veterinarian, Dr. Meghan Barrett!

Living in Harmony with the Planet

Veterinarians work closely with animals. And so, unsurprisingly, many of us also have deep connections to nature and the environments in which both human beings and other living creatures call home.

Dr. Barrett is mindful of this relationship with nature.

Currently practicing in Hawai’i, she loves to hike and watch a sunset after a stressful day.

Being close to the earth is something that Dr. Meghan finds extraordinarily healing…and she believes others can, too. In fact, rekindling our ties with the planet and taking better care of all its inhabitants is the biggest change she would like to see in the future.

Dr. Barrett explains her dreams of:

“People and animals living healthier lives and enjoying better health by eating less processed and industrial food. People cooking for their pets and themselves. People growing and farming their own food and living sustainably. I wish we could reduce fishing and take better care of the ocean and the animals who live in it. My vision is for people to live in more harmony with the planet.”

From riding horses to diving with sea lions and whale sharks, she is correct in believing that this gorgeous world is worth getting acquainted with more intimately…and is also worth protecting.

With persistence, patience, and curiosity, she grows closer to animals in her work as a veterinarian every single day.

No Boxes Define You

Additionally, Dr. Meghan wants people to know that it’s okay to be different.

She herself was raised by musicians. While she considered a career in music too, ultimately veterinary medicine was the route that called to her. However, Dr. Meghan Barrett still makes time for other hobbies she adores, such as entertaining crowds as a DJ, producing music, and being a member of a fire dancing troupe (yes, really!)

All that to say, you can be whoever you want to be.

Dr. Meghan tells us, “Don’t be afraid to be different. Know who you are and just be that. It’s possible to be both a free spirit and also a responsible, professional doctor.”

Her final words of advice?

 “Don’t turn down any opportunities to travel or have a unique, once in a lifetime experience. There were a few trips I didn’t go on and missed opportunities that I will always regret!”

Guess what else? She wrote a book on pet nutrition and you can check it out by clicking on the link below:

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