Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe

 Why are we avoiding taking our breaks?

To conduct the study, researchers asked 107 employees about their reasons for taking a break and not taking one. They then surveyed another 287 employees twice daily over five days about their sleep quality, fatigue, performance concerns, workload, and the number of breaks they take each day. 

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Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe

Study reveals pets could lead to restless nights

A new study published in the CABI journal Human-Animal Interactions reveals that your lovable pet dog or cat may lead to you having more restless nights than those graced with long periods of peaceful sleep.The research, led by Dr Lauren Wisnieski of Lincoln Memorial University, focussed specifically on pet ownership in the USA and drew upon data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted in 2005-2006.

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