Looking for a New BFF? Try this!

by Shauna Simmons

Tips When on the Hunt for Quality Relationships

Everybody has people in their lives that they love and appreciate, from family to friends, to everyone in between. People you can spend quality free time with and enjoy life how you prefer. Every so often we come across a special caliber of friendship that we can’t help but feel all our guards fall away like a river down a waterfall. These are the relationships where laughter inevitably leads to more laughter, and friendship over time becomes a self-proclaimed sisterhood. So whether you are feeling lonely, or just looking for a quality friendship in your life, where do you find a BFF?

Tell a Friend

People tend to gravitate towards relationships with others that complement them. This means having similar personality traits, enjoying similar hobbies, sharing similar tastes in music, and even sharing similar romantic preferences. So if you are on the lookout for new quality relationships, let some of your current family and friends know. I know we have all heard of blind dating, so think of it like that. Let the people who know a bit about you introduce you to other people they know who you might get along with. You never know, you might just meet your next BFF.

Be Intentional

The upside to deciding you want a new BFF is that you can be intentional with who you welcome into your life. While I think we can all appreciate how organic relationships can come out of nowhere, intentional relationships can be just as meaningful, if not more. Friendships are the people we choose to have as a part of our daily life. It’s not the same as your parents or another family member that you share blood with. So it would make sense that the best BFF relationships come from intentional choices to care about and cater to another person.

Put Yourself Out There

The best wait to meet a new BFF is through the joy of something you love. So while your friends and family can help, sometimes it’s best to just get yourself out of your comfort zone. Take up a new hobby, or indulge in a current one, in a way that forces you to connect with new people. There are many ways to make friends and potentially meet your next BFF, but staying within your comfort zone is the last on the list.


Stephanie Benedict is pursuing her passion


Five things especially fun to do with your BFF