Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe

Bounce for Better Health

You probably haven't been on a trampoline since you were a kid, but if you've been looking for a new way to workout that will both get you sweaty and put a smile on your face, give a trampoline workout a try. Check your local gym for a trampoline class, also sometimes referred to as a “Rebound” class.

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Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe

Tips to Get You Kids to Eat Veggies

If your kid is like most children, they'd prefer to live on a diet purely consisting of chicken nuggets and kraft macaroni and cheese. Throw in something that's green and healthy, and they act like you're poisoning them.

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Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe

Why Learning a Second Language is Fun

While in previous generations you might have been able to get away with simply speaking your native language, now the chances are greater than ever that you'll need to communicate with others of a different language.

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