The Inspiring Journey of Beatrice Eddy: A Rising Star in Veterinary Medicine

Beatrice Eddy's path to becoming a veterinarian has been anything but ordinary. A DVM candidate at NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine, Class of 2027, and the SAVMA Treasurer, Beatrice’s story is one of perseverance, ambition, and passion.

The Best Career Advice

Beatrice recalls a pivotal piece of advice that has guided her through the ups and downs of her career journey: "The best career advice I received is to never psych yourself out." In the ever-evolving field of veterinary medicine, continuous learning is a must. Beatrice embraces each day as a chance to add new tools to her professional toolkit. “Every day I learn something new, and I see that as a positive because it becomes another tool I can use in the future. If I had always stayed silent out of fear of being wrong or feeling unqualified, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Her mother’s wisdom has always been a beacon for Beatrice. "How will you know if you never try? How will you know if you never apply?" These words have become her mantra, encouraging her to take risks and believe in her abilities. “In reality, I am my biggest critic. I carry this advice with me in my career and everyday life. The numerous opportunities and skills I’ve gained have come from believing in myself and taking that leap of faith.”

The Three Pillars of Her Success

Beatrice attributes her accomplishments to three core qualities: perseverance, ambition, and passion.

Perseverance has been her rock, helping her navigate the rollercoaster of veterinary school and life’s challenges. “Perseverance has shown me that I am strong and capable of achieving anything I set my mind to, despite setbacks and tough days.”

Ambition drives her to explore new horizons and seize opportunities, even when they seem daunting. “Ambition drives me to put myself out there, even when it's scary, allowing me to network and broaden my understanding of this field and life.”

Passion fuels her unwavering desire to make a difference in the world, one small step at a time. “These qualities combined have truly helped me in where I am in life and my career today.”

Finding Balance After Stressful Days

After long, stressful days, Beatrice has developed various self-care routines to unwind. Depending on the season and her mood, she might spend time doing her hair, taking a relaxing nap, or binge-watching her favorite shows. As Fall approaches, she eagerly anticipates the cooler weather, state fairs, and community activities that provide a much-needed escape from her academic pressures.

Admiration for Her Mother and Grandmother

Beatrice’s greatest inspirations are her mother and grandmother, whose strength and perseverance have profoundly shaped her life. “Seeing my mom persevere and sacrifice many things so I can get where I am today is why I admire her so much. Without her constant support and reminders, who knows where I would be.” Named after her grandmother, Beatrice draws immense strength from their unwavering support and belief in her dreams.

A Life-Changing Adventure

A study abroad trip to South Africa during her undergraduate years marked a turning point in Beatrice’s life. “Before this adventure, I had never stepped foot on a plane, let alone traveled outside the United States. It was scary at first but ultimately rewarding and changed my outlook on my career and life.” This transformative experience ignited her passion for global engagement, leading her to travel to three other countries and commit to exploring a new place and culture every year.

The Power of Purpose

For Beatrice, finding a purpose in life is crucial. “Finding a purpose in life is important because it provides you with an internal reminder of your 'why.'” She believes that a sense of purpose helps navigate life’s challenges and gives meaning to one’s efforts. “Life will always have its ups and downs, but remembering why you do what you do makes it all more meaningful and manageable.”

Facing Challenges in Veterinary Medicine

Beatrice is deeply aware of the significant challenges facing the veterinary field, particularly diversity and mental health. “It is no secret that veterinary medicine lacks diversity, even though our clients and patients come from all over the world.” She also highlights the mental health struggles due to debt, high patient volumes, and toxic workplaces. Beatrice advocates for outreach and community programs to inspire and educate, fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for veterinary professionals.

Beatrice Eddy’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, ambition, and passion. Her commitment to learning, self-belief, and making a difference sets her on a path to a promising future in veterinary medicine. Her story inspires those who dare to dream and work tirelessly to turn those dreams into reality.


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