Revolutionary Canine Cancer Diagnostic Test by Oxford BioDynamics: Early Detection and Precision Treatment

Oxford BioDynamics Plc (AIM: OBD), a biotechnology company specializing in precision medicine, has announced the development of the EpiSwitch® SCB (Specific Canine Blood) test. This innovative, non-invasive blood test offers early detection and precise diagnosis of six common canine cancers, including three sarcomas, two lymphomas, and malignant melanoma, all with a balanced accuracy of over 89%.

The test was developed in collaboration with renowned US experts, including Professor Jaime F. Modiano from the University of Minnesota. The EpiSwitch® SCB test is based on OBD's proprietary EpiSwitch® 3D genomics platform and has shown exceptional accuracy in identifying specific cancer types, making it a significant advancement in veterinary oncology.

Key Features of EpiSwitch® SCB:

  • Early blood-based detection and discrimination of six high-utility, frequently occurring canine cancers.

  • High sensitivity and specificity for lymphomas and sarcomas, with an accuracy exceeding 80%.

  • Published validation results demonstrating over 89% accuracy for individual cancer types.

Dr. Alexandre Akoulitchev, CSO of OBD, stated, "EpiSwitch SCB combines the advantages of EpiSwitch blood-based biomarkers with our novel multi-choice EpiSwitch array design. We aimed to leverage our technology to address a prevalent veterinary challenge and support our four-legged friends."

Collaborative Development: The EpiSwitch® SCB test was developed in partnership with several esteemed institutions, including Veterinary Referral Associates in Gaithersburg, MD, and various departments at the University of Minnesota. This collaborative effort has resulted in a robust and reliable diagnostic tool for canine cancers.

Importance of Early Detection: Accurate, early diagnosis of canine cancers is crucial for effective therapeutic interventions. Current non-invasive detection methods often lack specificity and cannot distinguish between different cancer types. The EpiSwitch® SCB test addresses this gap, offering a reliable tool for veterinarians to identify specific cancers early, facilitating more informed treatment decisions and potentially improving outcomes for canine patients.

Real-World Validation: Selected veterinary services will further validate the EpiSwitch® SCB test in real-world settings, ensuring its efficacy and reliability. The test's commercialisation is expected to proceed through a partnership or outlicensing arrangement with a company already established in the pet healthcare market.

Expert Endorsements: Dr. Sara Fritz from Veterinary Referral Associates shared her positive experience, stating, "My first use of the EpiSwitch SCB test helped navigate a very complex case of canine cancer relapse where current standards of care offered no options. This test enables quick and reliable diagnosis in critical cases."

Professor Jaime Modiano added, "The ability to detect life-threatening dog cancers with high accuracy using blood samples offers a significant improvement over current diagnostic methods, reducing the need for invasive biopsies. This advancement has the potential to enhance precision in managing and treating canine cancer patients."

Future Outlook: The EpiSwitch® SCB test promises to revolutionize canine cancer diagnosis and treatment. By providing early, accurate detection and reducing unnecessary toxicity, this test supports veterinarians in delivering the best possible care for their canine patients.

For more detailed information and updates, visit Oxford BioDynamics or follow the link to the published validation results on BioRxiv.


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