Dr. Marcus Dela Cruz is rewriting the rules

Dr. Marcus Dela Cruz loves spending his days at the beach, as well as spending time with his favorite black lab, Charlie. He knew as a child he would want to work with animals and later studied at Purdue University in order to follow his dream.

He cares deeply about the human-animal bond and has gone the extra mile to help pet owners learn more about their pets—he’s even started a dog blog filled to the brim with answers to common questions pet owners have.

At the start of his career, Dr. Marcus often found himself in situations that caused him extreme anxiety. A pet would need treatments the owner couldn’t afford, and he would agonize over the limitations that put on him. 

His mentor, Dr. Joel Conn, helped ease Dr. Marcus’ mind on this early in his career. Joel recommended that Dr. Marcus let the pet parents worry about finances, and not do the worrying for them. This advice was very freeing to him, and helped shape his career path as time went on.

Envisioning a kinder world

Dr. Marcus believes that one thing everyone should try is to be a little bit kinder. We live in a world that encourages a “me first” point of view. It’s healthy to treat ourselves well and to be kind toward ourselves, but being kind towards others can make a huge difference both in their lives and others.

A simple, small act such as paying for the coffee of the person behind you, or shoveling the snow for an elderly neighbor, can make a huge difference in how they feel. It can also benefit you, helping to give you a mental health boost from knowing you made the world a better place.

A word about veterinary wellness

One of the most concerning trends Dr. Marcus sees in the veterinary field is the high rate of suicide among vets. 1 in 6 veterinarians has contemplated suicide in the past, and suicide itself is unusually high among vets.

This is a terrifying statistic, and it’s one that needs to come down. Although discussion about this normally taboo subject has opened up in the field, more work needs to be done.

Awareness about suicide in the veterinary field shouldn’t be limited to those in the profession either. Pet parents can add to the stress vets experience without knowing it, and by knowing how to help they can help improve mental health for veterinarians.

Dr. Marcus is working hard to help create a positive environment for pet parents, and to put basic care back into their hands. His blog is a great resource for pet owners who want to know when they need to take their vet to the ER, how to wash their dog’s ears out, and other important information.

Between his work every day in the office helping dogs and cats feel better, as well as his blog offering more enlightenment on important subjects, Dr. Marcus is doing everything he can to make the pet world a better place.

Follow his journal on Instagram by clicking on the link below:

Dr. Marcus Dela Cruz


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