Ovariohysterectomy Model Practice for Vet Students

 A study evaluated whether one supervised simulated ovariohysterectomy (OVH) using a canine OVH model, decreased surgical time for final-year veterinary students' first live-animal OVH. Final-year veterinary students were exposed to an OVH model and compared to students without the exposure. Both groups were instructed similarly on performing an OVH using a lecture, student notes, a video, and a demonstration OVH performed by a veterinary surgeon. One group then performed an OVH on the model before performing a live-animal OVH and the other group just performed the live-animal OVH. The OVH model exposure reduced students' first canine live-animal OVH surgery time  for students without prior OVH experience. Students practicing an OVH on the model felt more confident (92%) and less stressed (73%) when performing their first live-animal OVH.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

The Effect of Ovariohysterectomy Model Practice on Surgical Times for Final-Year Veterinary Students' First Live-Animal Ovariohysterectomies.


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