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Why you need to get a bike

If you don't already have a bike, you might be on the fence about using one as a major source of transportation. After all, most countries are built with cars in mind, so why pedal when you could let a car do the work for you? Here are 3 great reasons why.

It's Free Transportation

You'll never have to fill a bicycle with gas, pay for tabs or change the oil on your new bike. Even the fanciest road bike costs less than an old second hand car, and maintenance is also far less expensive. When your friends are complaining about a $50 weekly fill up, you can just smile and think about what you'll do with all that money you saved.

It's Not Public Transportation

Especially in light of the recent pandemic, getting crammed into a vehicle with a lot of other strange people isn't something we're wild about. If you prefer private transportation, but still want to use an alternative to a private car, a bike is the perfect answer.

It's good for the environment

Most cars need fossil fuels in order to run, and they release greenhouse gases while they are in use. A bike uses your action to move, and doesn't require any fossil fuels in order to run. It's also easier on the roads since bikes are certainly lighter, making them an ideal choice for the environment.

 It's good for your health

Your health will benefit from biking also. Biking helps exercise your body, and improves heart and lung health. You may also experience less stress and a boost in mood due to the added benefit of time spent outdoors.

Bikes are one of the best overall forms of transportation. If you don't have a bike already, you should certainly make getting a bike your next major purchase.