Things you need to stop doing if you want to live a stress-free life

Stress kills. The science is pretty clear cut on the numerous, negative effects of chronic stress. Stress can cause heart disease, increase your risk of other chronic diseases, and just plain make you more likely to die. If you're ready to kick the stress out of your life, here are a few things you definitely need to stop doing in order to get there.

Stop caring about what others think

The pressure to please can be one of the worst forms of stress out there. You know your mother-in-law is going to wander around with a white glove and check for dust in your home. Instead of worrying that she thinks you are a dirty person, recognize the fact that you are a real person with an actual life, and stop stressing.

Stop worrying about your appearance

It's totally okay to want to look your best. If you enjoy putting on makeup and trying new things on,knock yourself out. If you're spending three hours in the bathroom stressing over every fine line and pimple however, you're taking away from the joys in your life.Take the time to feel good about yourself, but also recognize you are beautiful just the way you are.

Dead end job? Quit it.

If you know for a fact there is no future at a company, why spend your time there? That time could be spent climbing a corporate ladder, improving on your education, or working somewhere you're genuinely happy with. Don't be afraid to leave if it's a dead end. You'll only benefit from quitting.There are so many things that cause us stress in life, but many of those things we don't have to put ourselves through. If you find yourself needlessly stressing, do yourself a favor and make positive changes to overcome it.

Read more about living stress free below:

Things to stop immediately to live stress free

A.M. Kuska

A.M. Kuska is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience. Always curious about the world, she spends her free time conducting weird experiments and poking her nose where it doesn't belong.


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