Why good relationships go bad

Everything seemed to be going well. You married the man or woman of your dreams, or perhaps you're not there yet but the one you're dating could be The One---then suddenly they're not. Relationships are complicated, and there's a lot of reasons why a good one can break down. If you just ended a relationship that has left you feeling confused, here are a couple common reasons as to what could have gone wrong.

They weren't actually that great

When relationships are new, people often hide their worst flaws in order to try and help things go smoothly. If your relationship is still a few months in and then suddenly turned south, it may well be that the mask they put on was simply showing the cracks. This is why it's important to take your time dating, and to get to know the person before diving into a more formal relationship.

They gave up

You started dating your partner because you loved all the attention they gave you, and how special they made you feel. When they feel the relationship is secure however, they may no longer feel the need to keep giving you those special moments. If that's what you've come to expect out of the relationship, it can make you feel unloved—but it's not too late for this one. Talk to your partner and let them know how much you loved those moments. Maybe the charmer will come out again.

They lied

Your partner may be everything you ever dreamed of, but only because they are lying in every way possible. Cheating, deception, and dishonesty can ruin a relationship faster than anything else on this list.

Great relationships are founded on honesty, and nurturing the love between two people. A great relationship takes work from both people in order to be successful. 

A.M. Kuska

A.M. Kuska is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience. Always curious about the world, she spends her free time conducting weird experiments and poking her nose where it doesn't belong.


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