Five things we're afraid of about going to the gym, and why we shouldn't fear them

You want to tone your muscles and lift weights, but everyone in the weight room is a man. It feels like it's almost socially taboo to go in there. You want to lose some weight and get the body of your dreams, but you're afraid everyone will look at you and wonder what that fat person is doing in the building.

Gym anxiety comes in all forms, but it doesn't have to stop you from getting in shape. Here are some common reasons for being anxious, and how you can combat them. 

Fear of being judged

Even if you're in good weight, fear of judgment can still haunt you. You might not know how to use the machines, or are afraid you'll have to stop after just a few minutes on the rowing machine. When you go to the gym, you are confronting your own weakness, and to do it in public can be very embarrassing.

The good news is, no one is looking at you. Everyone else is going through their own struggles, and their focus is turned inward, at their own weakness. You are not the first new person to come to the gym. If you don't feel confident, hit the gym during off peak hours—it's much easier to focus when there's only 1 or 2 other people in there.

Fear of Not Measuring Up

On the other hand, you might be the one doing the judging. As your puffing away with a 5 pound dumbbell, another person in the corner is lifting 20 as if they are made out of air. People at the gym are at all different levels, and when you're just starting out the difference can seem vast.

It's okay to go at your own pace, and important not to try and progress too fast. You may injure yourself and get set back by rushing.

Fear of sweating

Ever heard the term, “Girls don't sweat—they glow” from your mother? Women are under a lot of pressure to look great all the time. When you're straining to do your very best, you'll be doing a lot of sweating, snot will drip from your nose, and it probably doesn't look delicate and feminine.

Even though it is no longer taboo for women to do something where they are not at their most graceful, we still have residual fear here. Your best bet is to try to find someone to go to the gym with who is already comfortable and confident, to help break the ice.

Going to the gym can be frightening, especially if you don't know what to expect. For the most part, the gym is actually an inclusive place. There is very little judgement, and if anything else people are encouraging of your progress. You don't have to be afraid of the equipment or the people in the gym, and you shouldn't let fear stop you from becoming the best version of yourself.



A.M. Kuska

A.M. Kuska is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience. Always curious about the world, she spends her free time conducting weird experiments and poking her nose where it doesn't belong.


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