25 reasons why we admire Dr. Lindy O' Neal
This business owner and mom of three is on a mission to be a role model for the next generation of veterinarians.
Meet Brad Coull, our "Father of the Year"
Our Father of the Year, Brad Coull, tells us why it's important to put family first.
Dr. Georgina Phillips is doing more than you could possibly imagine
Dr. Georgina Philips literally has it all. This veterinarian has an impressive background, including working both in emergency medicine and shelter medicine. She is a also mom of two under five who understands how important it is to enjoy your life fully.
How Veterinary Medicine Parallels with Dentistry- Dr. Vaziri Tells All
In this article, dentist, Dr. Mariam Vaziri tells about the challenges of being a boss and it is scary how similar our two professions are.
Why Jade Velasquez is our Mother of the Year
Jade is unquestionably one of the most outspoken veterinary professionals in the world. Learn more about this cool mom and find out why she’s a little obsessed with Stephen King.
Tuft's researchers want to inspire change for student parents
Cummings School researchers find that women who are pregnant, raising children, or considering parenthood at U.S. veterinary training institutions may lack adequate support.
Why 2019 is the Year of the Woman
Everyone seems to agree that females in the profession are rising. But, although women outnumber men in the veterinary field, they are still underrepresented in higher management roles. Read more about why 2019 is the Year of the Woman.
Dr. M. Josephine Deubler- a legend and inspiration for us all
They say if there was a “Best in Show” for veterinarians, it would be Dr. M. Josephine Deubler. Learn more about this inspirational veterinary professional.