How Dr. Tomas Infernuso continues to reinvent himself

For some veterinarians, career choice is something they had to agonize over. For veterinary surgeon, Dr. Tomas Infernuso , the career he wanted was something he was born knowing. Even as a very small child growing up in Naples, Italy, Dr. Tomas spent his days rescueing frogs and insects, and eventually grew into helping stray animals find help and volunteering in a shelter.

By the time he was old enough to apply for veterinary college, he had one aim—to become a surgeon, and make life-saving surgeries as affordable as possible. Growing up in Italy, he had seen one too many owners make the difficult decision to end a beloved pet’s life, not because the pet could not be saved, but because they couldn’t afford to save it.

His values were farther developed by a dog of his own, Ludovica. Ludovica loved him unconditionally, and provide him and his partner with emotional support throughout her life. He promised her that he would save as many animals as possible, and works toward keeping that promise every day.

With this determination to make sure every pet had the right to live, Dr. Tomas began looking for a way for that to happen. He moved from Italy to the USA to gain more training, and started searching for ways to make sure every dog could afford surgery--even if they happened to have an owner who wasn’t well off. He worked in a mobile clinic for ten years before he was able to start the Animal Surgical Center or ASC.

At the ASC, surgeries are reduced to be affordable as possible, without compromising care. Many customers report how clean and modern the veterinary facility is, and also how caring the team is. It’s clear that Dr. Tomas’ passion for animals has had a ripple effect through his team, and also the community that depends on him.

At home, Dr. Tomas believes that work/life balance is critical to mental wellbeing. He surfs, and spends time with the pets of his own to help relax and decompress from the pressure of saving animal lives day in and day out. He also meditates, and makes a point to breathe and let go of life’s troubles.

Dr. Tomas currently lives in New York, in a beautiful beachside home that allows him to decompress in the ocean on a daily basis. Surfing and sailing helps to keep him centered, and help him be in the right frame of mind to keep saving lifes.

If he could teach his younger self anything, it would be to work on Emotional Intelligence. Learning to express emotions is a very valuable tool in every walk of life, from communicating with patients to improving your own mental well being.

In the future, he plans to build more affordable animal hospitals to continue his pledge of providing affordable care to as many animals as possible. His life passion has been fulfilled thanks to the ASC, but there are still more pets to save, and Dr. Tomas wants to be there to save as many as he possibly can.


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