Tom Seeko and CJ Burnett give us smart money tips for the holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time of the year. While many of us will use the time to reconnect with family and friends, some of us are just looking forward to having time to relax from the normal day to day grind. 

Holidays are also a time when we like to spend money.  In fact, according to Deloitte, the average American household is expected to spend about $1463 dollars on holiday gifts, goodies and travel this year.1 

Depending on your viewpoints on money, thinking of spending that much money might make you stressed.  When it comes to spending, you want to make smart choices, but knowing where to start can be the hardest part. 

On this episode we meet the finance gurus from Florida Veterinary Advisors, CJ Burnett and Tom Seeko who give us some great tips on how to make smart money moves during the holidays.  CJ, who in addition to being a financial advisor, is also an accomplished musician who ends the show with and amazing duet with himself!  This is a must listen!


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