Can you solve this medical mystery?

Max, a 2-year-old mixed-breed dog is presented to your clinic with signs of coughing, lethargy, and a mild fever (103.5 F).  Max is a social butterfly who goes to a doggie day care daily, visits the dog park at least once a week, and also goes to the groomer once a month. The pet owner mentions that several other dogs at doggie day care have been sick lately.  The dog is examined at your clinic. 


1.     What would you like to do next?

A.   Auscultate the lungs

B.    Examine the oral cavity

C.    Ask more information about the history of the dog, including vaccination status

D.   All the above


Examination reveals that the dog’s lungs are congested.  The respiratory issues are confined to the lower respiratory tract.


2.     What would you like to do next for definitive diagnosis?

A.   Ultrasound

B.    Chest radiographs

C.   PCR testing

D.   All of the above


The results of the PCR testing confirm Canine Influenza H3N2.  


Treatment for Canine Influenza virus is focused on supportive care.  That means using nebulizers to help with breathing. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can lower the fever and broad-spectrum antibiotics can be used to treat secondary opportunistic bacterial infections.

In this case, this dog is a risk to other dogs. This dog should be quarantined to help stop the spread of disease. Vaccines are not 100% protective against Canine Influenza, but they can greatly reduce the severity of the infection.


  1. D


Dog breeds differ from each other in their cognitive traits


Can you solve this mystery case?