Tick linked infections in dogs of the USA and associated risk factors

The range and incidence of tick-linked infections have been increased throughout the USA. Just like humans, dogs are also hosts of Ehrlichia, B burgdorferi, Babesia, and Anaplasma spp.As dogs are companion pets of humans, they are increasing the disclosure of ticks to humans. Prevention, treatment, and tracking of tick-linked infections in pets can dominate the prevention and control of human tick-linked infections. This study was conducted to analyze the seroprevalence of tick-linked infections in canines and their associated risk factors. In this survey, all the dogs assessed seropositive against Anaplasma had 1.4 times extra chances to assess seropositive against Babesia. Similarly,dogs of the westretaineda 5% less chance for Ehrlichiathan other regions. Dogsin the remaining three regions were less likely (2.30times)to get affected by B.burgdorfericompared to the dogs of the west.In the same way, dogs which were seropositive against B.burgdorferi were more likely (1.60 times) to get infected by Anaplasma. Hence,the geographical dispersion of ticks had a significant effecton the dogs to be susceptible to tick-linked infections.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

 Predominant risk factors for tick-borne co-infections in hunting dogs from the USA 



Risk for the development of kidney disease due to exposure of anaplasma and B.burgdorferi spp


Seroprevalence of arthropod linked disorders in dogs of Cumberland region of the US