Cercopithifilaria bainae infection confirmed for the first time in Oklahoma dogs

Cercopithifilaria bainae, a filarioid nematode of dogs, is likely spread through the bite of the Brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus.

Researchers evaluated dermal punch biopsies from 230 municipal shelter and 20 client-owned dogs. Ticks observed on the animals were collected and also tested. A total of 496 saline sedimentations were performed.

Cercopithifilaria bainae infections were identified in 2.6% (6/230) of shelter dogs. All skin samples from client-owned dogs were negative. A total of 112 ticks, comprised of four species, were collected. Two of 72 R. sanguineus female ticks found attached to a C. bainae infected dog, harbored C. bainae DNA. One attached R. sanguineus male tick on the same dog harbored filarioid DNA.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Detection of Cercopithifilaria bainae infection in shelter dogs and ticks in Oklahoma


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