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Epileptic seizures triggered by eating in dogs

Researchers evaluated medical records and a pet owner survey regarding ten client-owned dogs with histories of seizures triggered by eating (STE). Cases were included in the study only if more than 50% of the seizures that occurred were related to eating and if a minimum diagnostic evaluation for seizures had been performed.

Four cases only had STE and 6 cases had both STE and spontaneous seizures. Four of the dogs were retrievers. The most common seizure type was focal epileptic seizures evolving to become generalized. Nine dogs were diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. One dog had a presumptive diagnosis of glioma involving the margins of the parietal, temporal, and frontal cortex, an area known to have a key role in eating-associated epilepsy in people. T

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Epileptic seizures triggered by eating in dogs