Sildenafil and pimobendan in four dogs with intracardiac heartworm infections

Four dogs with adult heartworms entangled in their tricuspid valve apparatus were presented for cardiovascular consultation. None of the dogs had clinical signs that necessitated emergency HW extraction surgery. The dogs received pimobendan and sildenafil within 24 h of confirmation. Within 2 days, the heartworms had moved to the pulmonary arteries in most cases. All dogs survived to discharge from the original hospital admission and were subsequently treated with adulticide (melarsomine) without complication.

Read more by clicking on the link below:

Effect of sildenafil and pimobendan on intracardiac heartworm infections in four dogs.


The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in Cavalier King Charles spaniels


Characteristics of dogs with acute steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis.