Update: Hills heartbroken about pet food recall; issues clarification

Update: Vet Candy reached out to Hills regarding the pet food recall, and the company had the following to say:

“First and foremost, we’re heartbroken about this situation, which involves a limited quantity of our canned dog foods, and we are taking it very seriously.  As pet parents ourselves, we understand the gravity of health issues with our pets.

Our investigation confirmed that, due to a supplier error, a certified ingredient was shipped to Hill’s that contained elevated levels of vitamin D outside of our specifications.  That vitamin mix formula is not an ingredient in any of our dry foods.  No dry foods, treats or other wet foods are impacted by this recall.

To prevent this from happening again, we now require the supplier of our vitamin mix to conduct additional quality testing on every batch of this ingredient delivered to Hill’s.  In addition, we are also strengthening our own testing protocol for incoming ingredients as an additional safeguard.”

Hills maintains a list of products being recalled on its website. Follow the link below to search for potential recalled products.

Hills Recall Search Page


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