Association of Shelter Veterinarians Celebrates 2023 Award Winners

The Association of Shelter Veterinarians — the professional organization for veterinarians working in all aspects of animal sheltering — is excited to recognize two members who have continued to push ASV’s mission forward.  Dr. Jeanette O’Quin is awarded the 2023 Meritorious Service Award and Dr. Tony Malone is awarded the 2023 Veterinarian of the Year.


2023 ASV Meritorious Service Award – Jeanette O’Quin, DVM, MPH, DACVPM, DABVP

Dr. Jeanette O’Quin’s contributions to the field of veterinary medicine and her dedication to veterinary students and shelter animals are unparalleled.  Before joining The Ohio State College of Veterinary Medicine, she worked for the Ohio Department of Health Zoonotic Disease Program. Her work includes international efforts to reduce rabies in animals and people and improving the health and welfare of companion animals and the communities that care for them. A founding member of the ASV, Dr. O’Quin most recently served as an editor for the 2022 revision of the ASV Guidelines, an intense, three-year project. Dr. O’Quin has shaped the field of shelter medicine with her grassroots efforts in addition to a long list of academic and outreach accomplishments.


The Association of Shelter Veterinarians Meritorious Service Award was established in 2010. The ASV Meritorious Service Award recognizes remarkable members of ASV who have made sustained contributions to the advancement of Shelter Veterinary Medicine via leadership, public service, research, education, advocacy, and/or clinical practice. 



2023 ASV Veterinarian of the Year Award – Tony Malone, DVM

Dr. Tony Malone has shown his unwavering commitment to the veterinary community and to homeless, abused and neglected pets in Texas for the past 23 years. He’s been dedicated to shelter medicine for more than 13 years. As Medical Director at the Houston Humane Society, Dr. Malone has improved clinic programs and increased community awareness of vaccination and prevention medicine. Working in one of the highest need areas in the country, Dr. Malone helped achieve a 90% live release rate for the first time ever at two large animal shelters. Dr. Malone has trained and mentored more than 720 veterinary professionals in shelter medicine and high-quality, high-volume spay and neuter surgery, laying the foundation of the future for veterinary medicine.


The Veterinarian of the Year Award was established in 2018 and recognizes remarkable members of the ASV who have been outstanding in their role as a veterinarian to improve community animal health and wellbeing.


For more information on the Association of Shelter Veterinarians, visit


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