21 Questions with Abby Seeley

It takes support to get through life.

No matter how smart, hardworking, or “tough” a person is, we all need family, friends, and colleagues in order to successfully and happily make it through this journey we call life.

Abby Seeley knows that.

In fact, when it comes to human qualities she admires most, it’s people who simply show up for each other that Abby appreciates.

She herself embodies this quality, too!

Originally from Hershey, Pennsylvania, Abby Seeley is a third-year veterinary student at the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School. Prior to entering the world of vet med, she attended Penn State University where she graduated with a B.S. in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences as well as a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science.

From working part-time in the clinical skills department helping students brush up on technical and surgical skills to doing research for PennVet Working Dog Center looking at the Search-and-Rescue Dogs deployed at 9/11 and being the coordinator for the New Bolton Center Student Surgery Crew and team member with The Gambia Goat Dairy, Abby “shows up” for her community.


On this episode of 21 Questions with Vet Candy, we meet vet student, Abby Seeley and learn how she makes everything look so easy!

We love you for listening!



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