Love is in the air

According to Lorretta Young, “Love isn’t something you find.  Love is something that finds you.”  This saying is especially true when we are talking about veterinary couple, Dr. Amanda Steffen and husband, Dr. Patrick Reilly.   Dr. Amanda shares more in her own words


How they met:


Patrick and I met about a week before starting vet school together at the University of Tennessee.  We had a class chat and Patrick asked our class if anyone wanted to meet to play a game of soccer. Although nine others replied that they were interested in playing, he and I were the only two that showed up.  We played a casual game and talked.  It turned out that we both were former college soccer players and we were very passionate about the sport, so it was very easy to become friends. 


What happened next:


During the beginning of vet school, I was struggling.  Patrick was not, so he became my tutor.  A few months into our friendship, he confided in me that he was interested in being more than friends.  But I wasn’t looking for a relationship at the time.  I did not think that I would be able to balance a relationship with the demands of vet school.  Patrick gave me the time I needed and slowly a romantic relationship formed


When I knew he was the ONE:


The summer before second year, I went home to South Carolina and he stayed in Knoxville.  My face lit up every time I saw his name pop up on my phone.  We talked every single day for hours.

I knew that if my love for him could grow hundreds of miles apart, we were meant to be. 


Patrick keeps me grounded and I keep him spontaneous.  It is a beautiful dynamic and he is the only one for me.  


My favorite getaway with Patrick:


My favorite vacation we have taken together to date would have to be Ireland.  Almost two years ago, we rented a car in Dublin and spent three weeks traveling around the entire outside perimeter of Ireland and Northern Ireland, staying at Airbnb’s along the way. 


We hiked the Cliffs of Moher and Killarney National Park, biked around the Aran Islands, saw the Giants Causeway, met lots of cows and sheep, climbed up numerous castles, sang way too much Ed Sheeran and just enjoyed each other's company. 


It is noteworthy that this trip took place about 7 months after we had our daughter, Ellie.  She stayed with my mom while we traveled.  This trip was amazing!  We spent time together as a couple and not just parents.  My advice to other parents is that you should make sure you and your spouse are happy in the relationship- always make time for special time with your spouse.  


Real life, real love


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