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Celebrate International Human Animal Bond Day with complimentary HABA membership

The second-annual International Human Animal Bond (IHAB) Day is Nov. 8, 2022. Across every definition and aspect of life with animals, the power of the human animal bond connects us. In recent years, this topic has been increasingly acknowledged, studied and even used in all sorts of marketing but never recognized with one focused day by the international human animal bond community.


That’s why the Human Animal Bond Association created IHAB Day in association with the Society for Companion Animal Studies. There are two ways to join HABA in celebrating IHAB Day on Nov. 8.

·       Sign up for free membership. HABA is offering complimentary one-year membership when you join via on International Human Animal Bond Day, Nov. 8.

·       Post on LinkedIn. To create a groundswell of LinkedIn engagement on Nov. 8, you are invited to create a LinkedIn post describing your passion for the human animal bond and how it has impacted your life. The hashtags to include are #IHABDay, #HABA and #HumanAnimalBond


Encourage others to join in the LinkedIn celebration by tagging them and inviting them to create a post sharing their human animal bond stories. Consider using the following sentences to invite their participation:

  • How do you celebrate the Human Animal Bond?

  • Join me in celebrating the International Human Animal Bond Day by sharing how the bond has impacted you.


The Human Animal Bond Association was established in 2012 and serves a community of like-minded individuals who wish to advocate and celebrate the human animal bond and to deliver education and information to strengthen broad understanding of the bond between animals and people. For more information, visit, or connect with them on LinkedIn.