Vet Candy

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The CBA of time

Over the last few years I’ve found myself more focused on the concept of time. I don’t know if it’s my own aging process, or the fact that the older I get more responsibilities I add to my life. And like all of us, the more responsibilities the more packed my days have become. Seeing this happen has left me with the sense that time truly is our most precious commodity. However, it’s one that we don’t prioritize the same way we would with say our finances. Identifying needs and wants and balancing those priorities along with time is not something we focus on as a society. From what I’ve seen in myself, my friends, my family, and my coworkers this does us a disservice personally, professionally, and culturally.

Particularly in this country we focus on action and as a result, I find myself spending more of my time on the have-to-dos than the want-to-dos. I know that my own to-do list never ends, I’m adding a new item the moment I cross off an old one, but I still strive to “finish” that list every day. I crash into the end of the day with little energy left for myself and start the same pattern over again the next day. As Alyssa wrote in her discussion on burnout this is a one-way ticket to crispy town. Every day I strive for balance, but I often am sucked in by the deadlines. So why is DOING more important than BEING? How did we get here?

Professionally, you can see this playing out in our country’s pandemic mindset. Initial data has shown an increase in productivity as employees who can begin to telework. Employers are all excited by this, and from a bottom-line perspective that is understandable. This productivity has come with a cost; watching employees lose a sense of time and boundaries. They’re working themselves day and night which is not sustainable. But our business metrics only see the uptick in productivity, which in part occurs because productivity is valued well above that intangible concept of time.

Conversely, in other cases, we’re seeing reductions in the workforce with those businesses that remain open. The sentiment here is that revenue is decreasing, and employment must align to that. However, the workload doesn’t allow contract at the same right and those employees that are left are now beyond overloaded.

This is a critical time for you if you are a manager. Regardless of whether your people are virtual or in person, please continue to be mindful of their stress and mental health. More importantly, if your work environment is the opposite of your employees, , be even more aware of the message and potential for dichotomy that difference creates. When/where possible, make the opportunity to meet them where they are ,physically – if doable & safe – but mentally open yourself up to be in their shoes.

Big picture time – societally,, our lack of attention to our own time has led to a similar lapse in awareness & respect for others’ time as well. As a country we are “fine” with paying a people a pittance for their time. We are not only robbing these employees of the ability to live beyond paycheck to paycheck, but are devaluing