Proven strategies for recharging after workplace stress

Right now, our stress is at an all time high. We are in the middle of a global pandemic that has caused some of us to lose our jobs, and others to be thrown to the frontlines of a frightening battle. If you're under stress right now (and who isn't?) here are a few proven strategies for recharging under stress.

Go Outside

Studies show again and again the benefits of spending time outdoors for our stress levels. People who spend time outdoors show lower cortisol levels compared to those who don't. We feel more relaxed and at home in nature, so take time out to visit a local hiking trail or park in order to reduce your stress.

If you don't have ready access to a park or a hiking trail, even sitting under a tree or finding a small green space can have the same effect, as can visiting the ocean or other tree free areas. Nature is beautiful no matter where you find it, and it can go a long way to helping you recharge.

Listen to relaxing music

Music can also be very relaxing, especially if it is upbeat music that makes you feel good. Celtic music, Native American music, and Indian-stringed music are all examples of relaxing music that can help you feel relaxed.

This is also partially up to you though. If you don't like a certain kind of music, it will not help you feel relaxed. Try experimenting with different types of music until you find the right type for you.

Reach out to friends and family

When you're feeling stressed out, the temptation is to self isolate with a gallon of icecream and a bottle of wine. Covid-19 can make it especially difficult to reach out, since our normal socialization has been greatly restricted for the safety of everyone.

If you're feeling stressed and need human contact, consider taking advantage of FaceTime, phone calls, and even letters to reach out to those you care about. 


It may not seem like there is anything to laugh about right now, but putting on a comedy or reading the comics could help you reduce your stress. Laughter helps in a number of different ways, by first firing up your stress response and then relaxing it, promoting a relaxed feeling. It can also lower your cortisol levels, stimulate your organs, and just plain make you feel good.

Laughter can even ease muscle tension, helping to reduce your overall stress in remarkable ways. It might not seem like you are recharging when you're laughing your way through a cheesy comedy, but it could well make the biggest difference in how you feel.

We live in very stressful times, and it can sometimes be difficult to find a way to give ourselves a break during times of stress. Learning how to recharge under stress is difficult, but these proven strategies will give you the rest you need so you can come back better and stronger than ever.


A.M. Kuska

A.M. Kuska is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience. Always curious about the world, she spends her free time conducting weird experiments and poking her nose where it doesn't belong.


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