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Easy side hustles for vet students

Earning money when you're a college student is rough. You often don't have time for work, and what you can offer is spotty at best. Most companies want you to have flexible scheduling, and sometimes even demand you be available on your days off in case someone else has to call out.

 This makes finding work even harder if you're a vet student, at a time when you need money more than ever. While a standard 9-5 is obviously not going to be an option for you, there are actually a number of ways you can still earn some money while having it fit on your schedule.

Ride Share Services

Now more than ever, there are jobs available that allow you to work at your own pace. If you can't find a traditional job that fits your hours, signing up for uber or other similar services can help you pay the bills.

Uber allows you to work only when you're ready. You just need to have a reliable car and a phone in order to take jobs. You'll probably also want to keep the insides clean so you don't have any complaints on your record.

With ride shares, you take jobs when you can, and when you're not available simply sign out of the app.

Dog Walking Service

Dog walking is a great way to make extra cash. Your community is full of pet lovers in need of a responsible pet sitter or walker, who better than a vet student?

Offer a dog walking service to those in the area, and you'll not only get a little extra cash, you'll also be getting a great exercise routine.


Stock photography for websites is in big demand right now- trust me, we use it all over Those photographs don't just come from expensive photography studios, they can also come from people like you. Snapping photos of skyscrapers, modeling different jobs, or just getting close ups of keyboards or office types settings.

There's big demand for these photos, and many of these pictures can be taken while you're not in class. As you're studying or earning those credits, you'll be getting comissions every time someone decides to buy your photos.


If your favorite way to unwind is to play video games, you can earn cash while you play by becoming a streamer on venues such as Twitch. Viewers who watch you play can leave you tips, and you can also earn money in the form of subscriptions. 

All of these side hustles are great ways to earn money on your own time. Who knows, it may turn into a lucrative side job that will give you the cash you need without taking time away from your studies.

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