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Five essential non-verbal skills you need to have to be a leader

Getting along is crucial to living in society with other people as well as to advance in your career. When we can make friends easily and enjoy the company of others, we set ourselves up for success in a variety of different ways. According to Harvard psychologists, here are a few tried and true tricks you can use to help get along with everybody.

Make Eye Contact

Every culture in the world uses eye contact as a form of measuring other people. Avoiding eye contact is generally seen as untrustworthy, and a confident gaze is a sign of good character. Eye contact is so important to our culture, it's instinctive—babies will automatically seek out eyes on people's faces.

You can help deal with more difficult people by choosing to have meetings face to face, and holding someone's gaze until you notice what color their eyes are. Even if it is just a split second longer than usual, it tells the other person that you care, and are paying attention.

Check Your Posture

How you carry yourself has a big impact on how others see you. If you're constantly shifting your weight back and forth or hunch down, you are more likely to be dismissed by others. When you sit up tall, and maybe lean forward a little to hear what they are saying, you both show respect to them and also make it clear you are worthy of being respected.

Give others a chance to speak

Communication is important if you want to be well received by others. When you're having a conversation, avoid completely dominating when you speak. Give others a chance to say their piece, and frame your comments with a question so the other person has a chance to respond.

Respect the opinion of others

We are all different, and there are plenty of hot button topics to disagree on. If you're coworker is a carnivore and you're a vegan, it can be hard to see eye to eye. While you will never agree with each other, it's important to still be respectful of the other person's opinions. Disrespecting another person simply because you disagree is not okay. 

This doesn't mean you have to change your values, it simply means that disagreement is okay. There's nothing wrong with you holding to your values while still respecting theirs. 


Everyone has a right to share their opinions, and that includes you. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts and opinions during a conversation too. You may find that people who are difficult to get along with originally warm up as they learn more about you. Participation is critical to helping you understand others, and to have your voice be heard. 

 It's not easy to get along with everyone. Some people are just plain harder than others. With these techniques, you can give it your best shot to keeping the peace no matter who you work with. Getting along with everyone is a valuable skill that will help you in every aspect of your life, so there's no reason not to try these great tips.