Create some mindful healthy habits to rock your day
Morning stress and anxiety ruin us all day: let's try to do some small things the night before, in order to promote relaxation, sleep well and, therefore, wake up with the serenity and positivity that allow us to face the day that begins.
How to add meditation to your busy schedule
So, if you want to embark this amazing explorative journey into guided meditation here you can find some amazing tips to get started in a gentle and proper way.
Taking care of your mind with meditation
In reality, meditation is a state of profound peace that is achieved when the mind settles down while remaining completely alert.
Why we all need more wellness in our life
Wellness can be defined as – “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal” and can be understood as a conscious mission to feel and be good, inside out.
Easy ways to make fitness fun
Well, if you want to feel better, physical strength and fitness have a role to play. When you exercise, you will feel pumped with the increased serotonin in your system and also experience more strength, agility and enthusiasm from that 30 minute exercise each day.