Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe

What is causing your stress?

We don’t have to suffer from stress.  Small changes can make a big difference in removing unseen stress.  Look at your environment (and your diet) and see what you can do to make the necessary change

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Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe

Six health benefits of hemp

Hemp is amazing for your health, and it takes just a little bit to get these benefits. Some grocery stores are beginning to make these available, but you can more easily find them online at Amazon.

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Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe Lifestyle Dr. Sheridan Lathe

How one whale changed how we look at plastic

There's no doubt that throw away plastics are bad for the environment, but the good news is things are finally being done about it. You can help too, by joining clean up days, recycling as much as possible, and taking a hard look at the single-use plastics in your own home.

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