Vet Candy congratulates winners of first ever Veterinary Rising Stars Awards

Vet Candy congratulates winners of first ever Veterinary Rising Stars Awards

Put your hands together for the veterinary students who are making the world a better place!  

As a leader in veterinary medicine, Vet Candy knows that our community is what makes us great. Every single day, thousands of dedicated professionals are hard at work caring for furry, feathered, and finned patients as well as their colleagues.

That is why today, Vet Candy is excited to officially announce the 2023 Vet Candy Rising Stars Awards!

Intended to honor veterinary students who are doing amazing things for the profession, this prestigious award is unique.  

Unlike other prizes, to be a winner of the Vet Candy Rising Star Awardis about more than outward success; it requires the ability to lead, inspire, and motivate. Equity, diversity, and inclusion are also core values of the award. For this reason, Vet Candy was committed to celebrating those who are making an impact in our local, national, and global communities. From working hands-on with pets at clinics to animal advocacy, client education, volunteering, and fulfilling leadership roles in governing bodies, these folks are trailblazers and gamechangers.   


Who are this year’s recipients?

Nomination was based on merit. Vet Candy scoured the globe for the best of the best. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t difficult to find our rising stars! Over 30 students were selected. From a long list of names, this group of individuals stood out for their tireless dedication towards improving the veterinary world.

Congratulations to all Vet Candy Rising Star recipients below:


Tatiana Rogers is a fresh new face in the world of veterinary medicine. She recently completed business school and received her Masters of Business Administration through Colorado State University's dual degree program, and will be completing her DVM in just a few weeks.

She is graduating from CSU this year and is passionate about bringing real change to veterinary medicine. In particular, Tatiana hopes to improve the mental health of veterinary professionals through combating mental health problems in the veterinary world, and by encouraging them to strike a healthy balance between school and their personal lives. 


Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Josetta Adams is currently a 3rd year VMD-PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. She will be starting her PhD in Immunology at the Perelman School of Medicine in Fall 2023. Prior to this, she attended the City College of New York for undergrad where she earned her B.S in Biology and a minor in chemistry and was even a Researcher at MIT.  


Class of 2023 of Virginia-Maryland CVM, Chris Hollingsworth is originally from Guyana, South America. After growing up in Silver Spring, Maryland he went on to attend Morehouse College, an all-male historically Black college located in Atlanta, Georgia. But before heading off to vet school, he worked as a technician in a small animal practice as well as a lab animal technician/research assistant for a clinical mycology lab at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland.


There is a famous saying that goes, “Education is a passport to the future.”

Here at Vet Candy, that’s a motto we can get behind!

Ashleigh Alfonso believes in it too.

Class of 2023 from the University of Florida, she has had no shortage of experience in the field of education. Before moving to North Florida to complete her degree, this South Florida native finished her bachelor’s with a minor in communications.

In addition to being a vet student herself, Ashleigh also helped others make the grade when she launched an independent tutoring business.


For zoological veterinarians and conservationists, getting up close and personal with some of the most amazing and endangered animals on the planet, such as rhinos, pandas, tigers, orangutans, etc. is more than a dream…it’s their job!

For Natalie Smith, working with such animals has always been the plan.

Class of 2026 at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Natalie is originally from Youngstown, New York. After successfully graduating from University of New Hampshire with a BS in Biomedical Science: Medical and Veterinary Science, she decided to follow in the footsteps of her grandfather, who also had a love of zoos, aquariums, and most importantly, conservation medicine. 


 From working part-time in the clinical skills department helping students brush up on technical and surgical skills to doing research for PennVet Working Dog Center looking at the Search-and-Rescue Dogs deployed at 9/11 and being the coordinator for the New Bolton Center Student Surgery Crew and team member with The Gambia Goat Dairy, Abby “shows up” for her community.

Basically, she’s always ready to lend a helping hand!


 From starting her own dog walking business at the age of 10 to graduating from St. George's University this year and officially becoming a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Kilgore has always been motivated to help animals.

Now, she is ready to make her mark on the vet med community- working with animals in need at a shelter.
And did we mention?
She also runs a popular YouTube channel with almost 8 thousand subscribers – wow!


Having other interests and hobbies outside of caring for animals is healthy.

Nonyé Williams explains:

“Although I love animals and vet school is a large priority in my life at the moment, vet school and animals are not what makes me ‘me.’ I am a complete individual with so many other interests and passions outside of vet med, so I am very serious about holding onto these other passions while being in school.”

In fact, the best advice she ever received was, “I am in vet school, but vet school is not me.”


According to the United Nations, over 260 million children do not get to attend school. Reasons for this staggering number include living in a war zone, poverty, gender discrimination, natural disasters, or simply because there is no school close enough to get to and from each day.

Therefore, it is important that we never take education for granted.

As someone who is a first-generation college student with a love of both animals and children, Arianna Adams values every second of her education!  She will be one of University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine first graduating class this year!


Without a doubt, the veterinarian landscape is transforming (in a good way). As time goes on, we are seeing great improvements in areas such as mental health, diversity, equity, and inclusion, mentorship, and so on. And it’s not just practicing veterinarians having an impact. Oftentimes, vet med students are the ones at the forefront of these positive changes.

Leah Sauerwein is one such DVM candidate who is leading the pack as the National Student Chapeter of the American Veterinary Medical Association’s President.   


 As a member of the class of 2026 at the Iowa State University, Maggie might be at the beginning of her VetMed school journey, but she is no stranger to sharing her love of animals. During her undergrad, she did it all. From assisting with a pregnant rottweiler’s c-section to monitoring the labor of roughly 90 beef cows for a calving management class, Maggie is always willing to lend pets a helping hand.

But it’s not just critters that benefit from Maggie’s talents.

Now, she is sharing her dedication to the profession online – with millions of TikTok viewers! Specifically, by transforming the image of what it means to be a 21st century veterinarian. 


Ask Natalie Katz what her favorite animal patient is, and you will probably be surprised. 

She’ll give you a hint: it’s a mammal with long legs, big lips, and a humped back. If you guessed, “Is it a camel?” then yes, you are correct!

Today, we are overjoyed to highlight the incredible work of this upcoming Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine graduate, Class of 2023. With her unique experience at the Dubai Camel Hospital, passion for wildlife advocacy, and wonderful sense of humor, the future Dr. Katz is a soon-to-be vet with so much to offer. 


Originally born and raised in the small city of Goldsboro, North Carolina, Lakhia Fuller is currently a second-year student at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine.  This first-generation college student decided to pursue her passion for pets, with an interest in mixed animal medicine, small and exotics, and emergency.  But as exciting as the future is, Lakhia knows the importance of honoring the past in all that she does, too!

This includes being charter president of NC State Chapter of the National Association for Black Veterinarians, diversity and inclusion chair for the class of 2025, student coach for the Educators Pledge Program for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and more.


As veterinarians, we come across all different types of animals.

Cats and dogs, yes.

But also many creatures of the feathered variety, like chickens. However, did you know? Even though chickens are the most widespread and abundant domestic livestock in the world, both farmers and backyard hobbyists have a difficult time finding a veterinarian who specializes in poultry.

That’s where  Ross Veterinary College student and Florida native, Stephanie Benedict,  comes (or should we say, flaps?) to the rescue!

Her mission?

To make an impact on the poultry industry as a veterinarian and empower a new generation of veterinarians to join the field.


Grandparents have a lot of wisdom to share.

For younger generations, their advice and stories can be invaluable when it comes to making life decisions. After all, they have been through major historical events that shaped the world we live in today!

April Johnson is aware of this.

In fact, her own grandfather, Dr. Ellis Hall, was the first Black board-certified veterinary radiologist. Now, she is following in his footsteps…chasing after her dream of becoming a veterinarian herself. As a soon-to-be third generation graduate from Tuskegee University College of Veterinary Medicine this year, she is honored and blessed to be able to continue his heroic legacy..


When University of Missouri, Class of 2024’s Jack Murray moved into an apartment with his roommates, he quickly noticed something: The “pretty small” three-bedroom wasn’t spacious enough for his dog Heidi’s crate. So, what did this inventive vet student do?  He created his own company, Murray Kennel Company, to create crates that work in any space. 

Jack’s company now has a partnership with The Purple Leash Project, an organization that assists domestic abuse shelters become pet friendly to facilitate keeping domestic violence survivors and their pets together. Through this partnership, Murray will donate 10 percent of profits from each crate sold, as well as physical dog crates, to shelters in need.


Jaymee Gecher is a member of the Class of 2023 from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine who completed their final clinical year at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.

They are originally from Toronto and they have a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from the University of Guelph. After graduation they are pursuing a small animal rotating internship with the goal of pursuing a residency in either oncology or critical care. Jaymee uses their social platforms to be an advocate for mental health and to support others who want to pursue a vet med degree.


Sandra Pinto, a second-year at Cornell University is originally from Long Island, but she is also a first-generation Portuguese American is passionate about shelter medicine.

A diagnosis of Type I diabetes at 15 made Sandra rethink her life.  Although at the time, she thought that it meant her life was over, it was far from true.   She has used her platform to be open about life with diabetes in hopes to show that nothing should ever stop you from accomplishing your dreams.  In addition to being an advocate for those with chronic illness, Sandra supports Mayan Families, a non-profit that helps bring clean water and food to impoverished areas in Central America.


\Veterinary school can be challenging at the best of times.

There is homework, endless assignments, late nights spent studying and volunteering, plus all the emotional and mental energy that goes into pursuing a life dedicated to caring for animals.

As a Tufts Class of 2023 student, Jessica Hirsch knows all about overcoming big challenges and caring for others. In fact, her veterinarian journey so far has largely been focused on helping not just pet patients, but the veterinarians who treat them too! Today, she is a disability and chronic illness activist who (by graciously sharing her own recovery story) is a leading voice for veterinarians with disabilities everywhere.


Maddie Zutz is a second-year veterinary student at the University of Wisconsin Madison. She is passionate about food animal production medicine and hopes to incorporate either research or regulation into her career pathway.


Her passion for veterinary medicine goes a long way but may have gotten a boost from one of her earliest jobs working at a farm. Maddie would get up at 3AM in order to be at a farm job at 4AM mucking stalls and preparing cows for milking. These fond memories helped build her dream of becoming a veterinarian and specializing in food animals.

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