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Taylor Smallwood goes after what she wants

A Heartwarming Journey of Dedication and Dreams

"You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." These words, spoken by the renowned Jane Goodall, resonate deeply with the remarkable journey of veterinary student Taylor Smallwood.

Nestled in the picturesque landscape of the East Bay Area, California, a tale of passion and determination unfolds. Taylor Smallwood, a young soul brimming with dreams, is weaving her destiny at the Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine in Pomona, CA. Her journey is one that paints a canvas of dedication, compassion, and an unwavering love for animals.

Long before Taylor stepped into the hallways of Western University, her heart had already embarked on the path of veterinary medicine. Graduating from Pacific University Oregon in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a minor in Spanish, Taylor's affinity for animal care became her guiding star. Yet, her journey wasn't confined to the realm of academia. Taylor's spirit was enlivened by her dual role as a collegiate-level athlete, participating in tennis and volleyball.

The roots of Taylor's love for animals run deep, evident in her three-year immersion in the world of veterinary care, particularly in small animal medicine. Among her many commitments, Lafayette Animal Hospital in Lafayette, CA, holds a special place. Summers spent there have not only built her expertise but have also woven heartwarming connections with animals and their devoted human companions.

But Taylor's story reaches even further. Her connection with animals has been an integral part of her life since her school days. From fourth grade to her high school graduation, she dedicated a whole decade to raising Guide Dogs for the Blind. This extraordinary venture nurtured not only her patience and empathy but also ignited her passion for community service, uplifting both the human and animal worlds.

Taylor's bustling life also includes a cherished family – Kiev, a golden retriever; a retired guide dog, and Paisley, a rescued Persian cat. These loyal companions are a constant reminder of the profound bond that exists between humans and animals, a bond that fuels Taylor's drive to pursue a career dedicated to preserving and nurturing this connection.

Within Taylor's heart lies a profound calling for small animal general practice, a field that allows her to cultivate deep relationships with pets and their owners. Her interests extend to dermatology and radiology, showcasing the diverse facets of her aspirations within the realm of veterinary medicine. Taylor's journey is a testament to her unswerving commitment to excellence and her eager thirst for learning and growth in her chosen path.

As Taylor reflects upon her voyage, her eyes sparkle with the joy of having completed her first year of veterinary school. Her journey is only just beginning, a journey that will carry her toward her ultimate aspiration – becoming a veterinarian. Taylor Smallwood's story is a symphony of passion, persistence, and the timeless bond between humans and their cherished animal companions.

In Conversation with Taylor Smallwood: A Glimpse into Her World

Our heart-to-heart conversation with Taylor Smallwood unveils the essence of her journey, aspirations, and experiences, offering insights that inspire and enlighten.

Q: If not a vet, what would you be? A: A dermatologist! My intrigue for skincare blossomed during the pandemic, and my love for the beauty industry has always been a constant. My little sister and I share this interest, and the idea of enhancing people's beauty resonates deeply with me.

Q: The best career advice you've received? A: Establish boundaries. It's perfectly alright to decline. Setting boundaries paves the way for a healthier balance between work and personal life, a crucial aspect in this field.

Q: Three qualities that propelled you to where you are today? A: Tenacity, a strong work ethic, and sheer determination. It took me three attempts to secure a spot in vet school, proving that the third time truly is the charm!

Q: The change you wish to see in the world and the path to achieve it? A: I aspire to eliminate 'cancel culture'. Let's infuse more positivity into a world already burdened with challenges. To make this happen, we need to lead with warmth, refrain from hasty judgments, and remember that everyone is fighting a battle we might not fully comprehend.

Q: Who do you admire and why? A: My boyfriend, an embodiment of strength. Despite facing adversity, he maintains a positive outlook on life. His resilience and sense of humor are truly remarkable.

Q: One thing everyone should experience in life? A: Raising a guide dog for the blind. This humbling journey molds character, instills discipline, and encourages giving back to a community in need.

Q: Your childhood hero? A: My mom. She ensured my sister and I lacked nothing, stood as our unwavering supporter, displayed unmatched work ethic, and upheld integrity with unwavering dedication.

Taylor Smallwood: A Journey of Love and Dedication

As Taylor continues to follow her dreams, her heart brimming with passion, she invites you to join her on this extraordinary journey. Follow her adventures on Instagram: @dogtortay, and be a part of the tale that celebrates the magical connection between humans and the animals that fill our lives with joy and companionship. Just as Jane Goodall expressed, every action we take, every choice we make, can weave a story that leaves a lasting impact on the world around us. Taylor Smallwood's story is one such beautiful tale that reminds us of the incredible difference a determined and compassionate soul can make in the lives of both the two-legged and four-legged beings we share this world with.