Career Dr. Sheridan Lathe Career Dr. Sheridan Lathe

Toxic workplaces unmasked: The ultimate guide to surviving the chaos and reclaiming your career!

Finding yourself in a toxic work environment can be disheartening, but it's important to recognize the signs and take action to protect your well-being and career growth. Assess the toxicity, prioritize self-care, seek support, and evaluate your options. Remember, leaving a toxic workplace does not equate to failure; it signifies a courageous decision to prioritize your happiness and professional fulfillment. Trust yourself, take the necessary steps, and embrace new opportunities that will lead you to a healthier and more rewarding work environment.

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Career Dr. Sheridan Lathe Career Dr. Sheridan Lathe

The Economics of a toxic workplace

Mental health issues have even gained the attention of the United States surgeon general Vivek Murthy, who has pointed out the dangers of toxic workplaces in a recent WSJ article where he said  “Toxic workplaces are harmful to workers—to their mental health, and it turns out, to their physical health as well.” He added that unrelenting stress at work wears your body down, compromises your immune system and can lead to a cascade of ailments such as depression, heart disease and sleep deprivation. 

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