How Artificial Intelligence could transform veterinary education
Assessing suturing skills in veterinary students is crucial. Innovative approaches like AI and EMG data analysis offer potential solutions. Read more here.Assessing the suturing skills of veterinary students is crucial to ensure they acquire the necessary competency for surgical procedures. In recent years, researchers have explored the use of innovative approaches, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and electromyographic (EMG) data analysis, to enhance the evaluation process. This article presents a study that aimed to evaluate suturing skills using different performance assessment methods and compare the results with EMG data.
Mindshift Alert: How veterinary students' views on dog breeds transform – And what it means for pet care!
Brace yourself for mind-bending discoveries! Journey into the world of shifting perspectives as veterinary students' beliefs about dog breeds' pain sensitivity and trustworthiness evolve. Uncover the cultural forces shaping the future of veterinary care and your furry friends' wellbeing.
How Artificial Intelligence could transform veterinary education
Assessing suturing skills in veterinary students is crucial. Innovative approaches like AI and EMG data analysis offer potential solutions. Read more here.