Clinical Updates Dr. Sheridan Lathe Clinical Updates Dr. Sheridan Lathe

Shocking revelation: Dog's breed holds the key to pain sensitivity.

Discover groundbreaking research from North Carolina State University that challenges common beliefs about dog breeds' pain sensitivity. Find out how veterinarians' perceptions and a dog's temperament come into play. Prepare to have your understanding shattered as you uncover the surprising findings and their implications for veterinary care. Get ready for a mind-blowing journey into the world of dog breeds and pain sensitivity!

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Scientific News Dr. Sheridan Lathe Scientific News Dr. Sheridan Lathe

Alligators exposed to PFAS show autoimmune effects

The research team, led by Scott Belcher, associate professor of biology at North Carolina State University, took blood samples and did health evaluations on 49 alligators living along the Cape Fear River between 2018 and 2019. They compared these results to a reference population of 26 alligators from Lake Waccamaw, located in the adjoining Lumber River basin.

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