Vet Candy

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Stephanie Benedict is pursuing her passion

As veterinarians, we come across all different types of animals. 

Cats and dogs, yes.

But also many creatures of the feathered variety, like chickens. However, did you know? Even though chickens are the most widespread and abundant domestic livestock in the world, both farmers and backyard hobbyists have a difficult time finding a veterinarian who specializes in poultry.

That’s where Stephanie Benedict comes (or should we say, flaps?) to the rescue! 

Her mission?

To make an impact on the poultry industry as a veterinarian and empower a new generation of veterinarians to join the field.

Today, Vet Candy is overjoyed to highlight the accomplishments of this soon-to-be veterinarian. Currently in her 4th semester studying at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, she shares a behind the scenes look at taking care of the animals that provide us with the fresh eggs we eat every single day.  

Introducing, the future veterinarian who is passionate about poultry, Stephanie Benedict! 

Work Hard and Do What You Love  

Raised by a single father, Stephanie understands what it means to work hard.

“He always pushed me to pursue my interests and get involved with acting and singing when I was younger,” she says. “Now, he pushes me to do well in school and become a great veterinarian. And on top of raising a daughter, he’s never stopped working hard. I really understand what hard work means because of him and how blue-collar workers are crucial to society. I think it’s what makes me love working with farmers.”

Which is good to hear, because the United States Department of Agriculture has made it extremely clear how badly we need food animal veterinarians in 2023. 

As the USDA points out, these professionals are “critical to maintaining a healthy, secure, and safe food supply.” 

Luckily, Stephanie Benedict is helping to fill that void. In fact, pursuing poultry is the easiest decision she ever made!

Stephanie explains:

“I had been working in small animal practice for a couple years and I didn’t feel as fulfilled as I expected, but I knew veterinary medicine was right for me. I had a love for pathogens and food safety during my undergraduate education and realized that food animal medicine might be the place for me. After externing with a duck production company, I knew that poultry was a perfect fit for my life. I was hooked!”

Build on Yourself to Be the Best Vet for Your Patients

Nowadays, she is busier with poultry than ever before. 

Benedict credits her resiliency, ambition, and curiosity for the opportunities that have opened up to her. 

In addition to her studies, Stephanie is also a Research Assistant evaluating biosecurity and sanitary status of poultry farms in St. Kitts, as well as the vice president of the Association of Avian Veterinarians and secretary of the American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners and American Association of Swine Veterinarians chapters on campus.

For those considering this path, Benedict says…give it a try.

“It’s hard to provide good quality medicine when you’re in charge of thousands of birds in a flock for multiple farms across a large region,” she tells Vet Candy.

“With major issues like Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza causing flocks to be depopulated, farmers are losing their livelihoods and consumers are missing their eggs. Veterinarians and the amazing veterinary support workers are on the frontlines trying to take care of these flocks and we need more of them.”

In five years, Stephanie hopes to be completing an American College of Poultry Veterinarians Approved Training Program and be taking her board exam to become a diplomate.

Vet Candy is excited to watch her continue to soar!