Vet Candy

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Josetta Adams makes her own rules

Some people just naturally burn a little brighter.

Their smile lights up a room. The words they speak positively affect everyone who listens. Most of all, their actions are powerful enough to change lives for the better. In the veterinary medicine community, there are plenty of folks who fit this description. 

But none does so quite as perfectly as Josetta Adams! 

Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Josetta is currently a 3rd year VMD-PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. She will be starting her PhD in Immunology at the Perelman School of Medicine in Fall 2023. Prior to this, she attended the City College of New York for undergrad where she earned her B.S in Biology and a minor in chemistry and was even a Research Support Associate at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Her three main passions?

Infectious diseases, immunology, and veterinary medicine.

Vet Candy had the opportunity to speak with Josetta Adams. With some incredible goals on the horizon, we are grateful that she took the time to share her thoughts on why defiance, persistence, and being highly inclined to forgive are the three qualities that got her to where she is today. Plus, she gives a snippet of valuable advice for young veterinary students everywhere.

Introducing the brightest of stars, Josetta Adams! 

Stay the Course and Cherish Each Moment 

As a professional in the vet med community, the world is your oyster.

You can – literally – choose to go anywhere…because animals are found on each continent and in every corner of the planet. For Josetta, travelling was the adventure that most changed her life.

She recalls:

“The first time I left the country, I visited Mombasa, Kenya and stayed with the family of a girl who was a fellow camp counselor for the Fresh Air Fund. I have never felt more welcomed and so loved by a family that barely knew me. It was so different from American culture (and NYC culture) and it touched me deeply. Something in me shifted after that trip and I cherish those moments to this day.”

While it is tempting to say, “next time” and put adventures on hold, Adams knows that sometimes, go have to defiantly go against the grain.

Persistence is necessary in order to truly experience all the things in life you deserve!

Whether it’s an internship, a job, or the opportunity to travel, remember to stay the course and speak up for yourself.  

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Josetta Adams has so many incredible accomplishments behind her. One has to wonder how she handled all that stress.

“Vet school is hard!” she agrees with a laugh. 

Her best tip?

“Don’t sweat the small stuff and pick your battles. I’ve always been a highly sensitive person with a very strong sense of justice. I’d coax the younger me into developing sound judgement around the things worth my time and attention.”

To clear her head after a stressful day, Josetta enjoys hobbies. Reading, skiing, gardening, running, and hosting wine nights for her friends are all ways she winds down. 

When asked how she relaxes, Josetta explained, “I put on my favorite inspirational music and go for a run! I’m still in the process of tricking my brain into believing that I love running so when I’m on the treadmill or on a jog it’s pretty hard for me to focus on anything. I usually follow it up with some mindfulness meditation and breath work.”

Sounds good to us!

With an entire career ahead, Vet Candy will be keeping a close eye on Josetta Adams and all her exciting future endeavors!