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Inside Dr. Katherine Polak's world

It would be difficult to find somebody more passionate about global veterinary work than Dr. Katherine Polak.

When a catastrophic flood hit Bangkok, she was there in an instant. From helping establish emergency shelters for dogs to running campaigns to end some of the cruelest practices, such as the dog and cat meat trade in Asia, Dr. Polak is a superpower at engaging community veterinarians and working alongside international partners.

Currently, she is a member of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association’s (WSAVA) Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC) and VP of Companion Animals & Engagement at Humane Society International. Previously, she has held positions at FOUR PAWS International and was the Medical Director at Soi Dog Foundation, (the largest animal welfare charity in Thailand).

Today on Vet Candy, this specialist in Shelter Medicine shows us how with resilience, grit, compassion, and a continuous desire for improvement, we can all make the world a kinder place for animals.

Introducing, the international voice of animals in need, Dr. Katherine Polak!

Changing How People View Animals

Scientists estimate there are approximately 8.7 million species on Earth – wow.

And as human beings, it’s our job to help take care of them. Getting others from every country and continent on board is Dr. Polak’s goal.

She explains:

“I’d like to see a global change in the way animals are perceived and treated. There is a cultural inferiority of animals that is so normalized that rarely do we stop to think about it. Animals are treated as commodities rather than the emotional and intellectual beings that they are. Not only does this cause animal welfare issues, but the pandemic has clearly illustrated the public health ramifications.”

Dr. Katherine adds:

“Breaking this cycle is possible, and it’s already happening through the increasing globalization and digital technology. Cruel practices can no longer be kept hidden. I think people generally want to do the right thing for animals, but often don’t know how. Increasing public awareness and education on making animal-friendly choices can go a long way.”

Luckily, Dr. Katherine Polak loves pushing this message.

“When you enjoy what you’re doing, it’s no longer work,” she says. “Follow your passion and the rest will fall into place.”

The Biggest Problem Facing Vet Med Today

Clearly, there’s lots to do!

In addition to rescuing and treating animals, plus advocating for the humane management of street dog and cat populations, Dr. Polak is also aware of other problems facing our community nowadays.

One of the biggest ones? Access to care.

“This is an issue in so many countries and communities across the world,” she says. “One of the major underlying issues contributing to this, in many places, as inadequate veterinary training. Most vets have never been exposed to the realities of the lack of access to care in remote and rural communities. In many countries with developing economies, veterinarians graduate without ever doing a single spay or neuter surgery. In countries with large stray animal populations, this can have devastating consequences.”

For example, government agencies often contract local veterinarians to provide spay/neuter services to manage growing stray dog populations, but vets are completely unequipped to do humane surgery.

This can lead to patient suffering and even death...and ultimately decreased community trust in veterinary medicine.

All of which we want to avoid.
The answer?
Improve veterinary training and subsequently access to care.

Thankfully, Dr. Katherine Polak is leading the charge when it comes to making change for the animals we all care about and love!