Getting wild with Dr. Heather Bacon

In the animal world, there are plenty of people to look up to.

For instance, Dr. Heather Bacon’s personal heroes include David Attenborough and Jane Goodall. She admires both for their wisdom and compassion.

But the truth is, many others look up to her, too!

As the incoming Chair of the WSAVA’s Animal Welfare and Wellness Committee, Heather has done a lot for the four legged and two legged individuals alike relying on her. However, it’s no surprise – she’s got the credentials to do an amazing job. Dr. Bacon is a veterinary surgeon with extensive experience of veterinary practice across a range of sectors including private practice, charity work and academia. From working with rescue bears in China to being Head of School at the University of Central Lancashire, there is nothing this award-winning vet cannot do.

Vet Candy is thrilled to congratulate Dr. Heather on her latest role. Today, she shares how a tough career decision ended up being one of the best, and also tells us about the adventure that most changed her life.

Introducing, the fantastic Dr. Heather Bacon!

The Adventure of the Unknown

Originally, Dr. Bacon wanted to be a zoo veterinarian.

“After gaining some experience including working with more experienced zoo vets and plenty of mixed practice, I applied for (and was offered) a post as the vet to a nice little UK zoo collection,” she recalls.

“But I was also offered a role as a vet in China for the Animals Asia Foundation who rescue bears from the bear bile trade. I agonised over the decision between the ‘safe’ advancement into a career I’d always thought I wanted, and the unknown adventure of charity work with bears in China.”

In the end, she went to China...
And it was the greatest decision she could have made!

From there, she was able to transition back to the UK and into the world of academia when – quite serendipitously - the University of Edinburgh was starting to develop their International Centre for Animal Welfare Education. Soon, Dr. Bacon found herself in a role that combined her multiple loves: teaching vets across Asia and in the UK, developing new courses, and influencing animal welfare policy and practice.

The match could not have been more perfect.

Sometimes, saying yes to adventure is worth the “risk!”

Be Brave in Your Choices

Nowadays, Dr. Heather Bacon is all about persistence, teamwork, and a drive to seize opportunities.

Even though everything worked out for her, she still remembers how scary it was to take that big leap overseas. Yet being brave is what got her to where she is today.

Bacon explains:

“I’m lucky to have travelled a lot and I think travel changes a person. It taught me that there are many ways of getting to the same goal, that people are generally kind and decent wherever they live, and that we have much more in common than we might think. It also taught me to be aware of my own limitations. A lot of the dogma I hear about working overseas or how people treat animals around the world is rooted in stereotypes or outdated misinformation, so I learned to take very little at face value.”

An excellent reminder.
Dr. Heather Bacon’s parting advice?

She says, “In the words of Dory: Just keep swimming. If you stick with it, the rough patches will pass and you get the wonderful contrast of a pleasure well-earned.”


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