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Dr. Allison Brown knows her worth

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.

Dr. Allison Brown loves this message for a couple of reasons.

In addition to being a veterinarian, she is also interested in space. In fact, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were her heroes growing up! Although her feet are firmly planted here on earth, Allison will never stop reaching for the stars in her efforts to help animals (and the people who care for them, too).

Vet Candy is “over the moon” to interview this Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine graduate. Today, she tells us about her mission to leave a positive impact on the world and offers some tips on how to be happy while doing it.

Introducing, the outstanding Dr. Allison Brown!

Never Forget Why You Started

There are three qualities that Dr. Allison relies upon in her daily work.

First is persistence. This is followed closely by having a good work ethic and the ability to ask for help when needed. However, despite her many years of success as a veterinarian and co-owner of a practice, Dr. Brown still likes to remind herself every now and again why she chose this path.

When asked about the best career advice she ever received, she told us the following:

“Always remember that you got into this field to help the animals,” she says. “A lot of things can cloud that. Unreasonable owners, short-staffed days, and feeling overwhelmed are all prevalent in our field. But if you take a second to ground yourself and think about if you’ve improved the life of each pet a little bit, you’ll often find that you’ve made a huge difference. For me at least, this knowledge has helped me regain focus and find happiness when I feel like I’m struggling.”

Even though going to vet school was an easy decision, this advice has served Dr. Allison Brown well throughout the ups and downs of her career.

We can all learn a thing or two from these words as well!

Remember to Rest and Have Fun

Dr. Brown also reminds us that there is more to life than work, work, work.

Burnout is one of the most pressing issues facing veterinarians today. The American Veterinary Medical Association is acutely aware of this problem. They cite the World Health Organization, explaining that burnout is “a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”

So, how do we combat burnout?

Allison knows it’s a multifaceted issue. But one solution is to balance both rest and fun.

“Set realistic goals for yourself every day to help maintain balance,” she encourages fellow professionals. “Also ‘resting’ doesn’t always mean sitting on the couch! There are lots of ways to rest your body and mind.”

Like her husband (who is also a veterinarian) she tries to stay positive and find fun in most situations.

Whether it’s traveling, getting exercise via running, or challenging her brain to learn about an exciting speciality, Dr. Allison Brown is showing us that it’s possible to be happy, confident, and financially stable – with a balanced approach!