Why we love the revolutionary Covetrus® breakFREE™ Breakaway IV Connector: The secret weapon for veterinary IV therapy!

A Vet Candy Review

In the fast-paced world of veterinary medicine, intravenous (IV) therapy is a crucial aspect of patient care. However, IV lines are susceptible to dislodgements and line breakages, leading to wastage of medication, blood loss, and increased workload for veterinary professionals. Enter the Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector - a revolutionary solution designed to address these challenges and enhance the efficiency and safety of IV therapy for animals.

Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector

The Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector is a cutting-edge break-away medical device that separates when harmful force is exerted across the IV line. This innovative design eliminates the risk of dislodgements and breakages, providing unparalleled safety and reliability during IV therapy for animals.  

Ten reasons we love the Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector: 

  1. Secure Connection: The device connects with standard ISO luer connectors, ensuring compatibility with existing medical equipment commonly used in veterinary practices.
  2. Waste Reduction: One of the significant advantages of the Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector is its ability to eliminate wasted medication and cleanups caused by dislodgements and line breakage. This not only saves valuable resources but also ensures accurate drug administration to patients.
  3. Blood Loss Prevention: With the Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector, the risk of blood loss due to dislodgements is significantly reduced. This feature is especially critical in critical care scenarios where every drop of blood matters.
  4. Reduced IV Restarts: Studies have shown that this device reduces all IV restarts by an impressive 65%.1 This remarkable improvement streamlines patient care, reducing stress for both animals and veterinary professionals.
  5. Eases Workload: By preventing dislodgements and breakages, the device eases the workload of veterinary technicians and medical staff. This means more efficient patient care and better utilization of resources.
  6. Cost-Effective Solution: The Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector not only improves patient outcomes but also saves hospitals money by reducing the need for costly IV restarts and minimizing medication waste.
  7. Anti-Reconnect Feature: This device is equipped with an anti-reconnect feature that prevents contamination after separation. This further enhances patient safety and infection control protocols.
  8. Recessed Valves: The Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector recessed valves prevent bacterial contamination for up to two hours after separation. This feature ensures a sterile environment during critical moments.
  9. Rapid Restart: When separation occurs, the device allows veterinary professionals to restart infusions in seconds without replacing the catheter, administration tubing, or medication. This significantly reduces downtime during treatment.
  10. Pump Occlusion Alarm: The Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector’s unique design also triggers a pump occlusion alarm after separation, alerting medical staff to promptly address any potential issues.

Feedback from our veterinary friends

"My favorite feature of the Covetrus® breakFREE™ Breakaway IV Connector is its remarkable ability to offer our team a valuable two-hour window for reattaching in case it detaches from a patient's fluid line. This not only alleviates concerns about contamination and blood loss but also eliminates the need to replace the catheter, saving our team time and energy." - Dr. Jennifer Remnes, Co-Founder, Vetique Chicago. Dr. Jennifer Remnes, Co-Owner of Vetique, Chicago

"One of the standout features of the Covetrus breakFREE breakaway IV connector that I truly appreciate is its potential to greatly benefit hyperactive or neurologically impaired patients. From my perspective, individuals in these categories face the most significant risk of complications resulting from excessive tension on their IV lines or catheters,”  Dr. Zonram Liao, Veterinarian at Leave No Paws Behind, Rowland Heights, California. Dr. Zonram Liao, Veterinarian at Leave No Paws Behind, California

Dr. Gregory Echols, a veterinarian from North Carolina, shared his thoughts, stating, "In cases where a patient tears out an IV catheter, it usually takes around 30 minutes to address the situation and restart treatment. My primary challenge in IV therapy revolves around managing fractious or aggressive pets, and I believe that the breakFREE Breakaway device could especially prove to be highly beneficial in such scenarios."Dr. Gregory Echols, Relief Veterinarian, North Carolina

Our final thoughts:  The Covetrus breakFREE Breakaway IV Connector is a groundbreaking advancement in veterinary medicine. Its innovative design and remarkable features not only enhance patient safety and care but also streamline veterinary practices. With reduced IV restarts, minimized medication waste, and improved efficiency, this device is undoubtedly a game-changer in the world of veterinary IV therapy.  Available exclusively through Covetrus!

Disclosure: We paid our veterinary experts a stipend to test out the product and tell us what they thought.

1. Simpson, S. E., & Zersen, K. M. (2022). Fewer peripheral intravenous catheter complications in hospitalized dogs when force-activated separation devices are used versus not used in a randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.2460/javma.22.03.0125


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