Adora Animal Health Secures First U.S. Patent, Advancing Development of Generic PSGAG for Veterinary Use

Franklin-based Adora Animal Health Corporation (Adora) has announced the publication of its first U.S. patent, US Patent 12,059,430. This significant milestone relates to innovative processes developed by Adora to produce a purified form of the active ingredient in its injectable veterinary generic PSGAG (Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan), which is widely recognized under the brand name Adequan, marketed by American Regent.

Adequan is a critical veterinary medicine approved for use in both equine and canine applications, specifically for the treatment of arthritic pain and related conditions. However, there is currently no approved generic alternative available, which makes Adora's advancement particularly noteworthy.

The patented processes, developed in collaboration with Adora’s U.S.-based contract manufacturing organization (CMO) partner, Kinentia Biosciences, utilize cutting-edge diafiltration and particle size exclusion technologies. These technologies enable enhanced control over the purity and manufacturing efficiency of sulfated aminoglycans, the key components used in treating arthritic pain. By improving the removal of low molecular weight impurities and byproducts, these advancements represent a significant improvement over existing manufacturing methods.

PSGAG is synthesized from chondroitin sulfate by sulfating the free hydroxyl groups in the molecule, followed by chemical digestion into smaller, lower molecular weight fragments and subsequent purification to form the active ingredient.

“We are pleased to report the issuance of our first patent related to Adora’s proprietary position regarding the active ingredient in PSGAG,” said Dr. Thomas D’Ambra, Adora’s CEO and co-inventor. “This is an important first step in improving the quality and purity of our ingredient and sets the stage for our ongoing efforts to gain approval for Adora’s own veterinary injectable version of PSGAG, which we plan to market under the brand name AMEND.”

Dr. D’Ambra further emphasized that this patent is only the beginning. Adora is actively pursuing additional patents related to topical dosage forms and methods of treatment, with the aim of expanding its product portfolio and addressing broader therapeutic applications.

Adora’s president, Mike Vaughn, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the patent as a significant step forward for the company. “This patent is a big step forward as the Adora brand continues to grow and expand its product offerings,” Vaughn said. “Our innovative products for both human and animal markets are well-positioned to address the growing demand for glycan therapeutics in treating pain and related medical conditions.”

For more information about Adora Animal Health Corporation and its developments, visit


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