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Meet the King of Hearts, Veterinary Cardiologist Dr. Sid Sudunagunta

Dr. Sid Sudunagunta, a distinguished veterinary cardiologist, has established himself as a prominent figure in the field of veterinary medicine. His journey began with a passion for animal care, leading him to graduate from the prestigious Royal Veterinary College in 2011. After gaining valuable experience in general practice, Dr. Sid decided to specialize in cardiology, a decision that would shape the course of his professional career.

In 2016, Dr. Sid joined The University of Liverpool, where he embarked on a rigorous cardiology internship. His commitment to the field was evident as he progressed from an intern to a resident, dedicating himself to mastering the complexities of veterinary cardiology. He completed his residency in 2020 and in March 2021 he passed the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine certifying examinations in Cardiology. Achieving Diplomate status within this esteemed organization solidified his position as a leader in the field. His proficiency in managing complex cardiac cases, combined with his dedication to advancing veterinary cardiology, sets him apart as an expert in the domain.

Dr. Sid's professional interests are particularly focused on minimally-invasive interventional cardiology procedures, which play a crucial role in the management and treatment of both congenital and acquired cardiac diseases in animals. These advanced techniques offer less invasive options for treatment, significantly improving patient outcomes and reducing recovery times.

Beyond his clinical work, Dr. Sid is also deeply committed to education. In April 2020, he successfully submitted a portfolio to achieve the Associate of the Higher Education Authority qualification, underscoring his dedication to teaching and mentoring the next generation of veterinary professionals. He continues to provide veterinary education, in the form of numerous CPD responsibilities as well as examining for the RCVS (UK licensing body) CertAVP. He also provided cardiology content for Vet Candy’s NAVLE prep course.

In a recent interview with Vet Candy, Dr. Sid shared some personal reflections that offer a glimpse into the mind behind the stethoscope:

If I wasn’t a vet what would I be?
"I’d like to think I would still have found some way to work with animals; the patients are the best part of being a veterinarian, by some distance. But, and this is such a boring answer, I probably would have wound up being a doctor. My parents are doctors, my brother is a doctor. I don’t think I would have had the luxury of going to university and figuring it out; it felt like there had to be a plan. I think I would have hated it, all the stress of being a vet (and then some) without any animals?!"

What human qualities do I most admire?
"Curiosity is at the top, probably. I love talking to people who have something they’re passionate about and enjoy discussing and dissecting it. I’m not even necessarily talking about work, though I do think the best vets are those who are curious and interested. Also kindness and empathy. This shouldn’t really need to be explained, it feels so obvious. I think a lot of people’s complaints with society revolve around it being 'dumbed down,' but intelligence is overrated; if you look at any of the injustices in the world, it’s more likely that a lack of kindness and/or empathy is at the core, rather than a lack of intelligence."

Why finding a purpose in life is important?
"The world is big and scary; it’s easy to feel lost or unimportant if you don’t have a sense of direction. I think that’s magnified by social media; it’s easy to see other people who look like they’re nailing life while you think you’re stagnating. You can end up judging yourself by other people’s achievements. But if you have a purpose or a goal it can be validating; I think it brings structure to a chaotic existence. I don’t think a purpose has to be professional."

These insights reflect the depth of Dr. Sid’s character, revealing a professional driven not only by expertise but also by a deep understanding of the human experience.

Despite his demanding career, Dr. Sid maintains a balanced life outside of work. He enjoys playing poker, a game that challenges his strategic thinking and decision-making skills, qualities that are also integral to his professional success. At home, he finds companionship in his two cats, Havoc and Dorito, who undoubtedly benefit from the expert care of their cardiologist owner.

Dr. Sid Sudunagunta’s journey in veterinary cardiology is marked by his unwavering commitment to excellence, both in clinical practice and in the advancement of veterinary knowledge. His contributions to the field, particularly in the areas of clinical practice and veterinary education, continue to make a lasting impact, benefiting both his patients and the broader veterinary community.