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From the bright lights of NYC to Veterinary Elite: Michelle Albino’s Inspiring Journey

Native New Yorker Michelle Albino has always been passionate about animals. This passion led her to become a licensed veterinary technician in 2003, marking the start of an impressive career that now has her as the Director of Training and Education at the ASPCA.

For 13 years, Michelle honed her skills at the Animal Medical Center in NYC, specializing in anesthesia and emergency care. As the team leader of the anesthesia department, she developed training materials and protocols that are still in use today. In 2012, her dedication earned her the VTS (Veterinary Technician Specialist) certification in anesthesia and analgesia.

But Michelle’s influence goes far beyond any single clinic. Her love for teaching has seen her lead lectures and workshops at local and national conferences like IVECCS, ACVIM, NAVAS, and the ASPCA shelter conference, inspiring countless veterinary professionals. PS. She’s also teaming up with Vet Candy to help make ECC interpretation easy in our 12-week NAVLE prep course!

In 2021, Michelle took a bold step by founding Mindful Training and Consultation. Her business focuses on improving veterinary practices through staff education on anesthesia, pain management, and integrative wellness. She offers interactive workshops, standardized protocols, and hands-on training, ensuring veterinary staff are equipped to provide the best care. She’s also RECOVER CPR BLS/ALS certified, creating specialized CPR trainings for shelter and general medicine.

Mission of Excellence

Michelle’s mission is simple but powerful: “I aim to bring high-quality anesthetic and analgesic practices to veterinary clinics through standardized protocols that simplify processes. I strive to minimize fear, anxiety, and stress, making anesthesia for companion animals safer and more effective. This benefits patients, owners, and veterinary staff.”

Reflecting on her early days, Michelle remembers the challenges. “When I graduated in 2003, I didn’t feel prepared to monitor a patient under general anesthesia. Many recent graduates feel the same apprehension.”

Through Mindful Training and Consultation, Michelle aims to change this for credentialed veterinary technicians (CrVTs). She wants teams to understand better ways to prescribe analgesic constant rate infusions safely, minimizing medical errors. She advocates for CrVTs to have the autonomy to recognize, understand, and treat hypotension. Most importantly, she encourages collaboration between veterinarians and CrVTs on sedation and anesthetic protocols, utilizing the strengths of each team member to make the best decisions for patients.

Beyond Veterinary Medicine

Michelle’s interests go beyond veterinary medicine. She’s deeply engaged in the healing arts and eastern medicine, holding certifications as a level II reiki practitioner for people and animals. She’s also a meditation and pranayama teacher, set to complete her kundalini yoga teacher training this fall. Michelle frequently integrates wellness practices into her veterinary work, teaching staff quick, effective ways to regulate their nervous system and develop supportive habits.

Challenges in Veterinary Medicine

Michelle sees two major challenges in the veterinary field: the divide between CrVTs and veterinarians, and the recognition and utilization of veterinary technicians. “My whole career, I’ve encountered challenges rooted in an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ mentality between CrVTs and veterinarians. Leadership teams need to create a psychologically safe environment where everyone feels they can speak up and have a voice.”

Regarding veterinary technician recognition, Michelle advocates focusing on the credentialed veterinary technician position. “There’s been talk of an intermediate position similar to a physician’s assistant, but it seems more logical to focus efforts on the credentialed veterinary technician position. National recognition of a unified title, responsibilities, education, and contribution will support this essential role in animal care.”

Inspiration and Admiration

Michelle admires open-mindedness, curiosity, and self-awareness. “Nothing divides people more than a closed mind. By being curious, we can push judgment aside and engage in healthy debates where both parties feel respected and heard. I also admire fierce self-awareness – understanding one’s limits and boundaries is crucial for growth and learning.”

Michelle Albino’s journey is a beacon of dedication, education, and holistic care in veterinary medicine. Her efforts continue to bridge gaps, inspire teams, and elevate the standards of animal care.

To learn more about Michelle’s consultation services, visit