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This World-Traveling Vet is Redefining Animal Care: Dr. Natalia Strokowska’s Journey Across 85 Countries

Dr. Natalia Strokowska, a veterinarian with an impressive global footprint, has crafted a unique career that merges veterinary medicine, education, and an adventurous spirit. A graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2014, Natalia's journey is anything but conventional. With a certificate in non-domesticated animal disease, she has practiced veterinary medicine on five continents, founded her company Vetnolimits, and become a thought leader in vet-tech and pet startups, leadership, and business in veterinary medicine.

Natalia’s story is one of relentless pursuit, curiosity, and resilience. Her experiences span the globe, from the United States to the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Guatemala, Poland, Kenya, and South Africa. But what drives this resourceful Cracovian? Let's dive into her journey through a series of candid conversations.

A Passion Beyond Borders

“If I wasn’t a vet, what would I be?” Natalia ponders, “Definitely a DJ!” This alternative career choice reflects her love for electronic and techno music, a passion that sits alongside her veterinary pursuits.

The best career advice she received was simple yet profound: “Don't ever compare yourself to others. Every path is different, and everybody's chances are not equal. Just be you and do you.” This advice has guided her through a diverse and dynamic career, helping her to remain true to her unique path.

Three qualities that Natalia attributes to her success are inquisitiveness, resiliency, and cognitive openness. These traits have not only driven her professional achievements but also shaped her approach to life and learning.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

Reflecting on her career, Natalia shares her most agonizing decision: “Social media addiction before 2020. Nothing will bring me back the time I could have spent on productive stuff and developing my career, rather than meaningless scrolling of other people's lives comparing mine to theirs and dopamine rush triggered by FOMO and anxiety.”

On the flip side, her easiest career decisions have always been about embracing new opportunities: “Every new contract, volunteering, and externship abroad. You don't have to invite me twice; I am the first one to come!”

Natalia’s first job, distributing leaflets at 15, earned her 12 USD in four hours. “But then I ran away and did not show up for day two of work. It was too boring,” she recalls with a laugh.

Lifelong Learning and Personal Growth

Books have always been a source of inspiration for Natalia. She cites “Outlive” by Peter Attia, “Digital Minimalism” and “Deep Work” by Cal Newport, “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” by James Nestor, “Scattered Minds” by Gabor Mate, and “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman as particularly impactful.

After a stressful day, Natalia finds solace in nature. “Nature is my best remedy, so whenever it is possible, I will go on a forest walk and listen to the birds chirping.” She also practices box breathing with her Garmin watch and locks her phone away to avoid overstimulation before bed. Talking to her partner, whom she describes as her best friend, also helps her process her thoughts and worries.

Words of Wisdom and a Vision for the Future

To her younger self, Natalia advises: “Stop worrying about people who criticize you. They do it because your activity makes them realize that they are not reaching their full potential. Whoever is doing more than you will not have any reason to see you as a threat. Stick to them.”

Looking ahead, Natalia envisions a world where people live more mindfully, free from the grip of smartphones and social media. “I would like to see a more mindful and healthy life without smartphones in our hands,” she says. Her vision includes prohibiting children under 15 from using smartphones, banning them in schools and other public spaces, and implementing extensive psychoeducation.

Admiration and Inspiration

Natalia admires diplomates and residents she has met throughout her career for their sharp focus, devotion, and resilience. These qualities are ones she continually strives to embody in her own life.

She believes that everyone should try solo backpacking to an unknown destination, diving or snorkeling on a beautiful reef, learning a new language, falling in love, visiting Scandinavia, quitting a job, making pickles, fermenting something, or baking bread at least once in their lifetime.

Growing up, her hero was Ryszard Kapuscinski, a Polish journalist known as the "emperor" of reportage, who traveled the world during the difficult communist era in Poland.

Finding Purpose and Tackling Challenges

Natalia believes that finding a purpose in life is crucial: “It gives inner peace, satisfaction, and a sense of stability. I know too many people who confess that they have no aim in life or do not know what to do with it. I see them suffering, wandering aimlessly, and feeling anxious or wasting their life on wrong things.”

In the veterinary field, she identifies unpredictable and long working hours combined with low wages as major challenges. These issues lead to burnout and a shortage of veterinary staff. “If you work so long, you simply may not have time for what really matters in life - relationships, health (mental & physical), hobbies, and sleep,” she explains.

Natalia Strokowska's journey is a testament to the power of resilience, curiosity, and the pursuit of passion. Her multifaceted career and adventurous spirit inspire veterinarians and animal lovers worldwide. As she continues to explore new horizons and embrace life's challenges, one thing is certain: Natalia's story is far from over.